CSCW in Design

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... Reference Book

Shen W., Norrie D. H., Barthès J-P. A. 2001. Multi-Agent Systems for Concurrent Intelligent Design and
Manufacturing. Taylor and Francis.

... Proceedings

Shen W., Lin ZK, Barthès J-P. A., Kamel M. 2001. Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. NRC Research Press, Canada
Barthès Jean-Paul, Lin Zongkai, Ramos Milton. 1999. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop
on CSCW in Design. International UTC. ISBN 2-913923-00-3.
Pansak Siriruchatapong, Zongkai Lin, Jean-Paul Barthès. 1997. Eds. Proceedings of the Second
International Workshop on CSCW in Design. International Academic Publishers. ISBN

... Papers

Barthès J-P. A. 2000. Conférence invitée. Ingénierie simultanée et capitalisation des connaissances.
JA2000. SF2M. Paris 17-19 oct.
Barthès J-P. A. 1997. Conférence plénière. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Knowledge
Management. CSCW'97. Bangkok. Nov 26-28. Thailande. Proceedings of the Second International
Workshop on CSCW in Design. P. Siriruchapatong, Z. lin, J-P. Barthès, Eds. International Academic
Publishers. ISBN 7-80003-412-7/TP-19. pp 1-5.
Barthès J-P. A., Scalabrin E. E. 1997. An Environment for Building Cognitive Agents for Cooperative
Work. CSCW'97. Bangkok. Nov 26-28. Thailande. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop
on CSCW in Design. P. Siriruchapatong, Z. lin, J-P. Barthès, Eds. International Academic Publishers.
ISBN 7-80003-412-7/TP-19. pp 37-41.
Euzenat J., Lerch C., Barthès J-P. A., Tollenaere G., Deneux D. 2000. Localisation des connaissances
dans les systèmes de production : approches multiples pour différents types de connaissances . Deuxièmes
Journées CNRS PROSPER. Toulouse. 7-8 juin.
Shen W., Maturana F., Norrie D., Barthès J-P. 1997. New techniques for Identifying the Collaborative
CAD and Computer Graphics Interface Features that Improve System Reliability and Usability.
Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics
(CAD/Graphics'97). Shenzhen, China 2-5 dec. ISBN 7-80003-411-9/TP-18. Vol 2. pp 609-615.
International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

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Last modified 8/4/02