Distributed Artificial Intelligence

1994 References

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Object Modelling

Barthès J-P. A. 1994.Developing Integrated Object Environment for Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems.Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 41, 33-58. Academic Press.

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès, Y. Ma. 1994. Description and Applications of an Object-Oriented Environment. AIICSR'94. Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Control Systems of Robots, Bratislava, Slovaquia, Sept 94.

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès, Y. Ma. 1994. An Object-Oriented Environment for Mechanical Intgelligent CAD. Pacific Graphics'94/CADDM'94, Beijing, China. Aug 26-29.

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès. 1994. Description and Applications of an Object-Oriented Model: PDM. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data and Knowledge in a Changing World. Chambéry, France. 18-22 sep.

...in French

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthés, K. El Dahshan. 1994. Propagation de contraintes dans les systèmes CAO en mécanique. Revue internationale de CFAO et d'infographie. 9(1-2):25-40. Hermès, Paris.

Barthès J-P. A. 1994. La problématique de réconciliation en ingénierie simultanée. in Organisation de la conception. K. Zreik, B. Trousse, Eds. 275-288. Europia, Paris. ISBN 2-909285-03-0.

...How to Use Manual

Barthès J-P. A. 1994. MOSS 3.2. Memo UTC/GI/DI/N111, UTC, March.

Cognitive Agents

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès. 1994. A Distributed Architecture for Design Environments Using Asynchronous Cognitive Agents. Proceedings of the Second Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems. 327-334.

Knowledge Management

Barthès J-P. A. 1994. Editor of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge (ISMICK'94). IIIA, Compiègne, France.

Schreinemakers J., J-P. A. Barthés, D. Brée, R. van der Speck, K. Wiig. 1994. Knowledge Management. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'94), A. Cohn, Ed. 792-795. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Barthès J-P. A. 1994. CAO et orientation objets. MICAD. Paris. 1-4 mars.

Barthès J-P. A. 1994. La place de la documentation dans la gestion des connaissances de l'entreprise. II R (Institute for International Research). Paris. 24 mars.


...in French

Gaillard F. 1994. Sur la modélisation des connaissances et l'utilisation de bases de données objet en productique. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

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