Distributed Artificial Intelligence

1996 References

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Object Modelling

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Description and Applications of an Object-Oriented Model PDM. in Modelling Complex Data for Creating Information. J.E. Dubois, N. Gershon, Eds. Springer-Verlag.

Cognitive Agents

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. An Experimental Multi-Agent Environment for Engineering Design. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. Vol 5. No. 2&3. 131-151. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Scalabrin E. E. , L. Vandenberghe, H. de Azevedo, J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. A Generic Model of Cognitive Agent to Develop Open Systems. in Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. D.L. Borges, C.A.A. Kaestner (Eds). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-61859-7. pp 61-70.

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Plenary lecture. Cognitive Agents and Concurrent Engineering. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on CSCW in Design. Lin Z, Barthès J-P. Eds. International Academic Publishers. ISBN 7-80003-361-9. pp 52-61.

Barthès J-P.A. 1996. Do we have the technology for supporting knowledge intensive CAD in large design projects? in Knowledge Intensive CAD-1. T. Tomiyama, M. Mäntylä, S. Finger, Eds.

Shen W. & Barthès J.P. 1996. An Experimental Environment for Exchanging Engineering Design Knowledge by Cogntive Agents. in Knowledge Intensive CAD-2. M. Mäntylä, S. Finger , and T. Tomiyama, Eds. Chapman and Hall.

Shen W., J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. An object-oriented approach for engineering design product modelling. in Knowledge Intensive CAD-1. T. Tomiyama, M. Mäntylä, S. Finger, Eds.

CSCW and Concurrent Design

Lin Z, Barthès J-P.A. 1996. Ed. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on CSCW in Design. International Academic Publishers. ISBN 7-80003-361-9/TP.13

Shen W. & J.P. A. Barthès. 1996. A Distributed Architecture for Computer Supported Cooperative Design. Journal of Northern Jiaotong University.

Hyperdocuments and Expertext

Marchand Y., J-L. Guérin, J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. From a setRéférences :pertext. Proceedings of WEBNET'96. San Francisco. ISBN 1-880094-24-X. pp 336-341.

...in French

Marchand Y., J-L. Guérin, J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. D'un ensemble de documents techniques un systme hypertextes sur le Web. in Actes du 5e Colloque ERGO-IA. 9-11 octobre. Biarritz. ISBN 2-95031134-8-5.pp 397-406.

Knowledge Management

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. ISMICK and Knowledge Management. Plenary lecture. ISMICK'96 4th International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge. Rotterdam. 21-22 octobre. in Knowledge Management: Organization, Competence and Methodology. J. Schreinemakers, Ed. Ergon Verlag. ISBN 3-9320004-26-4. pp 9-13.

Grundstein M. & J-P. A. Barthès. 1996. An Industrial View of the Process of Capitalizing Knowledge. in Knowledge Management: Organization, Competence and Methodology. J. Schreinemakers, Ed. 258-264. Ergon Verlag. ISBN 3-9320004-26-4.

...in Italian

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. La capitalizzazione delle conoscenze nell'impresa. Sistemi & Impresa. No. 7. 45-52. Settembre.

...in French

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Les nouvelles techniques informatiques pour la capitalisation des connaissances. Analusis, 2(24):12-14.

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Problèmes pratiques de capitalisation de connaissances dans l'entreprise. Séminaire interdisciplinaire de sciences cognitives et épistémologie. Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Compiègne. 20-26 janvier.


Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Capitalisation et gestion des connaissances dans l'entreprise. Journes IIIR sur la capitalisation des connaissances. Paris. 19-20 mars.

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Capitaliser les connaissances/Transférer les savoir-faire. Journées Euroforum sur la capitalisation des connaissances. Paris. 3-4-5 décembre.

Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Mémoire et capitalisation et gestion des connaissances dans l'entreprise: Problhèmes, enjeux, contexte. Journée CP2I. Paris. 17 décembre.

Internal Memos

de Azevedo H. & Barthès J-P. A. 1996. Identifying Autonomous Agents for Capitalizing Knowledge. november 1996.

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