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en:talks [2015/10/09 19:52] bonnifen:talks [2018/01/23 16:14] bonnif
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 +**Technologies clés et méthodes de fusion de données pour la localisation des véhicules autonomes**
 +Journée localisation, fédération MIRES, Limoges, 19 janvier 2018.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Cooperative localization. Lessons learned from the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge**
 +Conference on High Quality Positioning: a Key to Success for Autonomous Driving, BluePoint, Brussels, 4th of October 2017.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Cooperative localization for autonomous cars. Lessons learned from the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge**
 +Keynote at the European Conference on Mobile Robotics, Paris, September 6, 2017.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Autonomous robotic systems for mobility and transport**
 +Saint Gobain workshop, Compiegne, September 4, 2017.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Sequential Data Fusion of GNSS Measurements with Map-Based Vision Systems**
 +Workshop on Technologies for autonomous vehicles, Grenoble, February 21, 2017.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Systèmes robotiques autonomes pour la mobilité et le transport des personnes**
 +Colloque interacadémique, Académie des sciences et Académie des technologies. Quel avenir pour la Robotique en France ? 
 +Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca, rue Alfred de Vigny, Paris,16 juin 2016.
 +[[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Table ronde « La voiture du futur sera t-elle le moteur de l’industrie de demain ? »**, Les Mardis de l’Economie, dans le cadre du Printemps de l'industrie, le 22 mars 2016, Comédie de Picardie, Amiens. [[|Web site]]
 **Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Navigation Maps on board Vehicles** **Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Navigation Maps on board Vehicles**
- 7th IROS Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, Hamburg, 28 September 2015+ 7th IROS Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, Hamburg, Germany, 28 September 2015
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 **Road Invariant Extended Kalman Filter for an Enhanced estimation of GPS Errors using Lane Markings** **Road Invariant Extended Kalman Filter for an Enhanced estimation of GPS Errors using Lane Markings**
- IEEE IROS conference, Hamburg, 29 September 2015+ IEEE IROS conference, Hamburg, Germany, 29 September 2015
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
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 [[|Video of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Video of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
-**Localization and perception for autonomous navigation using automotive sensors** +**Table ronde « Systèmes robotiques autonomes pour la mobilité »** 
-Autonomous Driving Technology WorkshopRadisson Schwarzer Bock WiesbadenGermany21st 22nd May 2014  [[|Pdf of the talk]]+Lancement du projet RobotexCentre d'innovation de l'UTC8 juillet 2015.  
 +[[|Video Web TV UTC]]  
 +**Table ronde « Voiture autonome : les briques technologiques sont-elles existantes ? »** 
 +Innovativesles rendez-vous de l'innovation du CNRS, 31 mars 2015, Paris.  
 +[[|Video CNRS]] 
 **Map-aided Evidential Grids for Driving Scene Understanding** **Map-aided Evidential Grids for Driving Scene Understanding**
  ITS Podcast Episode 23, Posted on March 1, 2015.   ITS Podcast Episode 23, Posted on March 1, 2015. 
 [[|Listen to the podcast]] [[|Listen to the podcast]]
 +**Localization and perception for autonomous navigation using automotive sensors**
 +Autonomous Driving Technology Workshop, Wiesbaden, Germany, 21st - 22nd May 2014  [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Vehicle Trajectory Prediction based on Motion Model and Maneuver Recognition**
 +International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, November 7, 2013, Tokyo, Japan [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Using interval analysis in real-time for mobile robot integrity monitoring**
 +IPA Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 2012   [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Navigable Maps for Intelligent Vehicles Localization and Perception**
 +4th IROS Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, October 7th, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal   [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 +**Présentation du projet Robotex**
 +Semaine de la recherche et de l'innovation, 22 novembre 2011. 
 +[[|Video Web TV UTC]]
 **Multi-hypothesis Map-Matching using Particle Filtering** **Multi-hypothesis Map-Matching using Particle Filtering**
- ITS World Congress Stockholm, September 24, 2009. + ITS World CongressStockholm, Sweden, September 24, 2009. 
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 **Positioning and Map-matching** **Positioning and Map-matching**
- Workshop "Cooperative Systems on the Road", Helmond Netherland, May 13, 2009. + Workshop "Cooperative Systems on the Road", Helmond, The Netherlands, May 13, 2009. 
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
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 **Systèmes de positionnement pour applications coopératives** **Systèmes de positionnement pour applications coopératives**
-Congrès international ATEC-ITS Versailles France, 4 et 5 février 2009+Congrès international ATEC-ITSVersaillesFrance, 5 février 2009
 [[|Pdf of the talk (in French)]] [[|Pdf of the talk (in French)]]
 **Sur l'intégrité de la localisation des véhicules terrestres par hybridation de données GNSS et SIG** **Sur l'intégrité de la localisation des véhicules terrestres par hybridation de données GNSS et SIG**
-Toulouse, LAAS. PEA Action 22 Oct 2008+Workshop PEA Action, LAAS, Toulouse, 22 Oct 2008
 [[|Pdf of the talk (in French)]] [[|Pdf of the talk (in French)]]
 **Intelligent Vehicles and ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems)** **Intelligent Vehicles and ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems)**
-Lille, journées Automatique et Véhicules Autonomes, 16 et 17 juin 2008, Palais du Nouveau Siècle+Journées Automatique et Véhicules Autonomes, 16 et 17 juin 2008, Lille, Palais du Nouveau Siècle
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 **Confidence indicators for ADAS functions** **Confidence indicators for ADAS functions**
-Eindhoven, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium June 6th 2008+IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6th 2008
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]
 **Navigation in urban areas using Geographical Information and rough GNSS measurements** **Navigation in urban areas using Geographical Information and rough GNSS measurements**
-Tokyo, First France-Keio Co-Mobility Workshop, 28,29 January 2008+First France-Keio Co-Mobility Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 28,29 January 2008
 [[|Pdf of the talk]] [[|Pdf of the talk]]

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