Table of Contents

Research Topics

Multiscale Segmentation

Phd superVisions:

My work with L. Guigues deals with multi scale hierarchical representation of images. We introduces a novel multi-scale theory of piecewise image modelling, called the scale-sets theory, which can be regarded as a region-oriented scale-space theory.

•Laurent Guigues « Modèles multiéchelles pour la segmentation d’images», 12 décembre 2003.

L. Guigues PhD report

paper on multiscale segmentation: scale set analysis IJCV06

My work with K. Youfi deals with the use of a priori information in the scale set framework in order to obtain optimal segmentation

•Karim Yousfi , « Segmentation Hiérarchique Optimale par Injection d’a priori : radiométrique, géométrique ou spatial »,3 novembre 2008.

K. Yousfi PhD report

Computer Vision