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Indira Thouvenin works as an associate professor at the University of Technology Compiegne. She is teaching Virtual Reality at the department of mechanical systems. Her research interest is in the field of collaborative design in virtual environments, believability of virtual worlds, and knowledge integration in CVE. This line of research is connecting the digital mock up to the virtual mock up considering the user perception while designing in a cooperative context. The question addressed is the believability of interaction in a virtual world. How can we perceive the user’s point of view when performing a collaborative task in a virtual environment? How knowledge can be accessible while exploring geometrical shapes or designing in a collaborative virtual environment? A recent interest is the question of 2D - 3D: representation of knowledge is often in a 2D dimension while navigation in a virtual mock up is made in 3D. Virtual environments can be augmented adding intent in navigation and offering dynamic representations with new metaphors for interaction.

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