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CESAR European ARTEMIS project award 2013

Special mention from European Commission: “results that count”, for CESAR project (Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems) ~55 partners, 58 M€ budget, 28 M€ funding,

CNRS "Distinguished fact" Mention 2011

M. Bouassida, post-doc, and M. Shawky received the mention “faits marquants” from “Centre National de Recherche Scientifique” for valuing their research results by a portfolio of 3 patents on indoor localization

DASIP 2010 best paper award

Characterization of Capture Actions in Video Sequences Ana Pinzari and M. Shawky

Bronze Medal, 2008 Young European Arena of Research (YEAR)

PhD candidate Y. Khaled came finalist over 450 participants from 25 European states, in Transport, Mobility, Infrastructure fields. Yacine was co-supervised by B. Ducourthial and M. Shawky

Best paper award, Electronic Design Magazine, 1992
Graduation project award, Thomas Alva Edison Foundation, 1985
fr/distinctions.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/02/25 10:59 de shawky

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