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Post-graduate, Master
STU34, Univ. Paris 4

Innovation and starting-up. The process of adapting a technical innovation to the objectives of a start-up project. How to think in terms of chain of values, pricing, business model, etc.

Under-graduate, engineer level

I'm responsible of 2 modules


Basics for computer architecture, 80 students/semester, success rate 86% (2019), students satisfaction 91% (2022)


This module presents System design engineering, with a focus on architecture design, architecture exploration, timing constraints, etc. 15 students/semester, success rate 90% (2022), students satisfaction 84% (2022)

Students work on a mini-project during 4 hours of weekly lab. Projects are about design and validation of functions related to sensors; Smartphones sensors (Android), Kinect interfacing, etc.

fr/enseignements.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/02/25 10:55 de shawky

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