**Research Projects as UTC/COSTECH Principal Investigator**
DIALyme (2023-2027), regional project
with Saint-Côme clinic, patient data analysis by machine learning for the characterization of persistent infections
Num4Lyme (2023-2026), national project
with Saint-Côme clinic, Labs: COSTECH-UTC, GEC-UTC-CNRS, LMAC-UTC-CNRS
FOOTPRINTS (2017-2018), partner project
with Raymark Inc., Mi9 Retail Inc., Proof of Concept, considering geo traces as signatures for a new generation of on the fly indentification
GEOMALL (2016-2017), partner project
with Immochan SA, data analysis of large volumes of geo traces of people in catchment areas (Bordeaux LAC, France)
PINVelizy (2015-2016), partner project
with Unibail Rodamco SE, Analyzing in real time high volumes of people behavior in catchment area (Vélizy, France)
CESAR (2009-2013), Artemis JU, 7th PCRD, European project
Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems Keywords: Architecture exploration methodologies Our lab Budget 700 K€. 2 PhD Theses, 6 post-docs and 3 research engineers. https://artemis-ia.eu/project/1-cesar.html
SFR S.A. (2009 - 2013), partner project
R&D program to explore embedded sensors potential for detecting contextual events. Our lab budget 125 k€ + 1 PhD CIFFRE grant (Ms Fouzia Nacihi).
MEDIAMAP (2008-2011), CELTIC program, 7th PCRD, European project
Video pre-indexation during capture, in relation with the multimedia edition process We contributed to the methodology of implementing video processing algorithms, using on-the-fly generated algorithms, depending on the audiovisual defined syntax and grammar. UTC budget: 400 K€. 2 PhD Thesis including Ana Pinzari, 2 Post-docs. https://www.celticplus.eu/project-mediamap-2
DIAPA, Embedded Diagnostic by machine learning (2007-2010), national project
ANR funding. I was the project Coordinator, consortium: PSA-Peugeot Citroën, Freescale, Serma ingénierie and LAAS. System@tic worldwide competitivity cluster. My contribution: linking diagnostic models of functions to the failure models of components enriched into the behavioral and architectural co-models (AADL/VHDL et SystemC). Our lab budget 430 K€: 2 PhD thesis and several post-docs.
DIAFORE, Diagnostic of distributed embedded functions (2006-2010), national project
ANR funding. I was UTC coordinator of the project. Consortium CEA, Renault Trucks (coordinators), Serma ingénierie et LRI lab (Univ. Paris 11). We contributed to link the diagnosability model (Petri nets) to the architecture model (AADL) for embedded functions. Our lab budget 450 K€: 1 PhD thesis (Ms Manel Khlif) and several post-docs and research engineers.
SAFESPOT (2006-2010), IP, 6th PCRD, European project
Cooperative systems for road safety We contributed to dynamic real-time rescheduling of messages stacks, according to automatically attributed priorities. UTC budget: 136 K€. 1 post-doc (Khaled Chaaban). http://www.safespot-eu.org
OMNISUR (2006-2009), regional project
In cooperation with CREA Lab at Amiens (UPJV). We contributed to adapting omnidirectional image processing functions captured by a conic mirrored CCD sensor to their implementation on a constrained platform. Our lab budget 120 K€.
FRANCE TELECOM Orange R&D (2004 - 2008), industrial project
Co-responsible of the project with B. Ducourthial. Study of highly dynamic ad hoc networks. Our lab Budget 200 K€.
CISERS (2006-2008), regional project
with COSTECH laboratory. We contributed to setting up protocols to communicate censorial impressions in a spontaneous network. Our lab budget 30 K€.
Road pre-visibility (2005-2007), regional project
In cooperation with CREA Lab at Amiens (UPJV). We contributed to the implementation of image processing and communication functions for cameras embedded in running vehicles. Regional project. Our lab budget 130 K€ plus a PhD thesis scholarship (Yacine KHALED).
ROADSENSE (2000-2004), 5th PCRD, European project
ROad Awareness for Driving via a Strategy that Evaluates Numerous SystEms. We contributed to provide an embedded platform for ADAS evaluation, by computing in real-time human driver behavior indicators. Publications [13], [14]. We obtained 30% economy in computing and communication resources for major ADAS. UTC budget: 300 K€. PhD thesis Khaled CHAABAN. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/54537_en.html
Inter-vehicle Cooperative perception (2001-2004), regional project
In cooperation with CREA lab, Amiens, UPJV. We contributed to the implementation of stereo vision image processing functions by 2 cameras embedded each in a different vehicle. Our lab budget 80 k€.
Medical Imaging Center of Creil (1998-2000), industrial project
Implementation of medical image compression and encapsulation module (with text, audio comments, graphic comments, Patented). We used optimized operators developed in S. Favard thesis to implement efficient DCT transformation. Our lab budget 120 K€ through 2 contracts.