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International Relations
Université de Québec en Outtaouais, Quebec, Canada
Ryerson University, Ontario, Canada
Mc Master, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

With my colleagues at these univesities, we set up an agreement covering Research stuff exchange, PhD student exchange, around research projects in the field of transportation systems, with a projected annual flow of 2 to 6 students.

Beijing, CHINA

UTC, with Cranfield University, England, and University of Murcia, Spain, obtained a project within the European program Asialink. The idea is to co-develop Master programs the first years with professors from a network of 13 Chinese universities (including Tsinghua, Beijing, Shanghai, etc.), and to receive the following years in Master training period the students followed by their respective partner professors the precedent years. The covered fields include super high performance computing and real time distributed middleware, with an annual flow of 10 to 15 students.

University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Following the mobility period I had at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada as visiting associate professor, I contributed to filing 2 CITO projects for image compression on multi-platforms

UNAP at Iquique and Victoria, CHILE

Following my 3 week stay in Chile on January 1999, fully invited by Arturo Prat University (UNAP) at their 2 main sites Iquique and Victoria, we set up a cooperation agreement between our universities. We receive Chilean students from both sites, and few of our students pursue a study semester at those sites with an annual flow of 2 to 6 students. We also received Dr. Wilson Castillo as invited professor, for 3 months.

We helped UNAP to build computer engineering modules, inspired from UTC modules.

fr/relations.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/02/05 15:22 de shawky

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