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en:publi:others_art [2024/05/11 07:02] tdenoeuxen:publi:others_art [2024/05/23 12:15] (current) tdenoeux
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 ====== Econometrics, machine learning ====== ====== Econometrics, machine learning ======
-   - I. Baaj, Z. Bouraoui, A. Cornuéjols, T. Denoeux, S. Destercke, D. Dubois, M.-J. Lesot, J. Marques-Silva, J. Mengin, H. Prade, S. Schockaert, M. Serrurier, O. Strauss, C. Vrain. Synergies Between Machine Learning and Reasoning -- An Introduction by the Kay R. Amel group. {{ :en:publi:ml_kr.pdf |pdf}}+   - I. Baaj, Z. Bouraoui, A. Cornuéjols, T. Denoeux, S. Destercke, D. Dubois, M.-J. Lesot, J. Marques-Silva, J. Mengin, H. Prade, S. Schockaert, M. Serrurier, O. Strauss, C. Vrain. Synergies Between Machine Learning and Reasoning -- An Introduction by the Kay R. Amel group. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 109206, 2024. {{ :en:publi:ml_kr.pdf |pdf}}
    - E. Rammaso, T. Denoeux and G. Chevallier. Clustering acoustic emission data streams with sequentially appearing clusters using mixture models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 181, 109504, 2022. {{ :en:publi:gmm_sequential_elsevier.pdf |pdf}}    - E. Rammaso, T. Denoeux and G. Chevallier. Clustering acoustic emission data streams with sequentially appearing clusters using mixture models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 181, 109504, 2022. {{ :en:publi:gmm_sequential_elsevier.pdf |pdf}}
    - J. Liu, S. Sriboonchitta, A. Wiboonpongse and T. Denoeux. A trivariate Gaussian copula stochastic frontier model with sample selection. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 137, Pages 181-198, 2021. {{ :en:publi:multivariate_gaussian_copula_sfm_final.pdf |pdf}}    - J. Liu, S. Sriboonchitta, A. Wiboonpongse and T. Denoeux. A trivariate Gaussian copula stochastic frontier model with sample selection. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 137, Pages 181-198, 2021. {{ :en:publi:multivariate_gaussian_copula_sfm_final.pdf |pdf}}

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