OMAS is a multi-agent platform developed at UTC which allows prototyping systems of cognitive agents. It works currently on Windows platforms using ACL 9.0 from Franz Lisp.
The latest OMAS beta version includes new features among which the possibility to access the OMAS platform in a client/server configuration, the possibility of connecting to a FIPA platform easily, and the possibility to use a Web Editor from a browser (bêta version, see attached documentation).
OMAS-MOSS Release 13.1 (ACL 9.0 - zip 3.3Mb)
This document presents the main features of the OMAS platform.
OMAS v13 Issue 4 - User Manual (pdf 5.7Mo)
Applies to Windows 7
OMAS Vocal Interface (pdf 187Ko)
Gives some examples for implementing a vocal interface
Describes the new defpostman macro for creating transfer agents.
OMAS Web Editor Manual (pdf 278Ko)
Describes how to use the new Web Editor from the end-user point of view.
OMAS Web Editor Programming (pdf 269Ko)
Describes the new Web Editor from the application designer point of view.