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en:start [2022/06/30 10:58] fdavoineen:start [2023/12/20 15:04] fdavoine
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 {{ :en:franck.png?nolink&120|}} {{ :en:franck.png?nolink&120|}}
-**Franck DAVOINE**\\ 
-[[|CNRS]] Researcher, //HDR//\\ 
-Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I) 
-Heudiasyc Lab - UMR CNRS 7253\\  
-Université de technologie de Compiègne (UTC)\\ 
-[[|Alliance Sorbonne Université]]\\ 
-Compiègne - France \\ 
-**Email**: Franck.Davoine @ +**Franck DAVOINE**\\
-<html> +**[[|CNRS]] Senior Researcher** //(Directeur de recherche)//\\ 
-  <head> +CNRS Informatics - Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I)
-    <title>Titre du document</title> +
-    <style> +
-      blink { +
-        animation: blinker 0.6s linear infinite; +
-        color: #1c87c9; +
-       } +
-      @keyframes blinker {   +
-        50% { opacity: 0; } +
-       } +
-       .blink-one { +
-         animation: blinker-one 1s linear infinite; +
-       } +
-       @keyframes blinker-one {   +
-         0% { opacity: 0; } +
-       } +
-       .blink-two { +
-         animation: blinker-two 1.4s linear infinite; +
-       } +
-       @keyframes blinker-two {   +
-         100% { opacity: 0; } +
-       } +
-    </style> +
-  </head> +
-<html><!-- Dans l'instruction ci-dessous, enlever les commentaires autour de <blink> et </blink> pour remettre le clignotement --></html>+[[|LIRIS]] UMR 5205 CNRS INSA Lyon / Université Lyon 1 / Université Lyon 2 / École Centrale de Lyon\\  
 +Lyon - France \\
 +**Email**: Franck.Davoine @\\
 +On [[|LinkedIn]]
 +  * Since 2023: CNRS Senior Researcher at LIRIS, Imagine team.
 +  * Sept. 2023 - June 2025: Associate member of [[|Heudiasyc]], SyRI team – Robotic Systems in Interaction.
-  * <html><span style="color:red;">Since 2015</span></html>: **CNRS Researcher** at Heudiasyc Lab, SyRI team – Robotic Systems in Interaction.+From 2014 to 2023: CNRS Researcher at Heudiasyc, SyRI team – Robotic Systems in Interaction.
-  * **International coordinator** of the Labex – Laboratory of Excellence [[|MS2T]] “Control of Technological Systems-of-Systems”.+From 2011 to 2014: CNRS Researcher at [[|LIAMA]] - Sino-European Laboratory of Computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics, in Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Key Laboratory of Machine Perception (Ministry of Education), Peking University.
-  * Heudiasyc Lab **Sustainability officer**, and member of the **GDR** [[|Labos 1point5]]teams //Experimentation// & //Empreinte//.+From 2007 to 2010: CNRS Researcher at LIAMA - Sino-European Laboratory of Computer ScienceAutomation and Applied Mathematics, in Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Institute of AutomationChinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA).
-  * **Member** of [[|SIVALab]]the joint research Lab. between CNRS, UTC and Renault dedicated to perception and localization systems for autonomous vehicles.\\+From 2002 to 2007CNRS Researcher //(Chargé de recherche)// at Heudiasyc, CNRS / UTCFrance.
-  * **Member** of the Board of directors (Conseil d'administrationof [[|UTC]] – Université de technologie de Compiègnesince Nov. 2021.+From 1997 to 2001: Associate Professor //(Maître de conférences)// at Heudiasyc, CNRS / UTC, France.
-  * **Member** of the Board of directors of [[|AFIS]]the French chapter of [[|INCOSE]]the International Council On Systems Engineering.+From 1996 to 1997Postdoctoral research fellow (18 months)University of LinköpingSweden.
----- +1995Laureate of the Grenoble INP PhD Thesis Prize (discipline 'Signalimage and speech processing')Université Grenoble AlpesFrance
-<html><span style="color:red;">From 2011 to 2014</span></html>: CNRS Researcher at [[|LIAMA]] - Sino-European Laboratory of Computer ScienceAutomation and Applied Mathematicsin Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Key Laboratory of Machine Perception (Ministry of Education)Peking University.+
-<html><span style="color:red;">From 2008 to 2010</span></html>: CNRS Researcher at LIAMA Sino-European Laboratory of Computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics, in Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). +----
- +
-<html><span style="color:red;">From 2002 to 2007</span></html>: CNRS Researcher at Heudiasyc Lab., CNRS / UTC, France.+
-<html><span style="color:red;">From 1997 to 2001</span></html>: Associate Professor //(Maître de conférences)// at Heudiasyc Lab., CNRS / UTC, France.+==== ⇒ News ====
-<html><span style="color:red;">From 1996 to 1997</span></html>Postdoctoral research fellow (18 months), University of Linköping, Sweden.+I co-organised with Julien Moreau and Vincent Lepetit the CNRS GDR ISIS and GDR Robotique workshop [[|Event camera applied to robotics]] on November 16, 2023, in Paris. Presentations [[|HERE]] (access restricted to GDR members).
-<html><span style="color:red;">1995</span></html>: Grenoble INP Thesis Prize (discipline 'Signal, image and speech processing'), Université Grenoble Alpes, France.  

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