CNRS Senior Researcher (Directeur de recherche)
CNRS Informatics - Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I)
—— > I am now at LIRIS, in Lyon, France. See my NEW PAGE LIRIS < ——
Email: Franck.Davoine @
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From 2014 to 2023: CNRS Researcher at Heudiasyc, SyRI team – Robotic Systems in Interaction.
From 2011 to 2014: CNRS Researcher at LIAMA - Sino-European Laboratory of Computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics, in Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Key Laboratory of Machine Perception (Ministry of Education), Peking University.
From 2007 to 2010: CNRS Researcher at LIAMA - Sino-European Laboratory of Computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics, in Beijing, P.R. China. Member of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA).
From 2002 to 2007: CNRS Researcher (Chargé de recherche) at Heudiasyc, CNRS / UTC, France.
From 1997 to 2001: Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) at Heudiasyc, CNRS / UTC, France.
From 1996 to 1997: Postdoctoral research fellow (18 months), University of Linköping, Sweden.
1995: Laureate of the Grenoble INP PhD Thesis Prize (discipline 'Signal, image and speech processing'), Université Grenoble Alpes, France.
I co-organised with Julien Moreau and Vincent Lepetit the CNRS GDR ISIS and GDR Robotique workshop Event camera applied to robotics on November 16, 2023, in Paris. Presentations here (access restricted to GDR members).