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Some features: + combination of CSS/JavaScript degrades nicely + easy to set number of columns to search + allows RegExp searches e.g. to search for entries between 1980 and 1989, type: 198[0-9] e.g. for any entry ending with 'symmetry', type: symmetry$ e.g. for all reftypes that are books: ^book$, or ^article$ + easy toggling of Abstract/Review/BibTeX

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// Function written by Arve Bersvendsen

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<tbody> <tr id=“biernacki_10” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2010</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Exact and Monte Carlo Calculations of Integrated Likelihoods for the Latent Class Model, to be published</B></I>. 
  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,&nbsp;
      Volume 1, 
  Pages 1-2, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_10','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_10','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_biernacki_10” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: The latent class model or multivariate multinomial mixture is a powerful approach for  clustering categorical data.   It uses a conditional independence assumption given the latent class to which a statistical unit is belonging.  In this paper, we exploit the fact that a fully Bayesian analysis with Jeffreys non informative prior distributions does not involve technical difficulty to propose an exact expression of the integrated <em>complete-data</em> likelihood, which is known as being a meaningful model selection criterion in a clustering perspective. Similarly, a Monte Carlo approximation of the integrated <em>observed-data</em> likelihood can be obtained in two steps.  An exact integration over the parameters is followed by an approximation of the sum over all possible partitions through an importance sampling strategy. Then, the exact and the approximate criteria experimentally compete respectively with their standard asymptotic BIC approximations for choosing the number of mixture components. Numerical experiments on simulated data and a biological example highlight that asymptotic criteria are usually dramatically more conservative than the non-asymptotic presented criteria, not only for moderate sample sizes as expected but also for quite large sample sizes.  This research highlights that asymptotic standard criteria could often fail to select some interesting structures present in the data.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_10” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_10,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Exact and Monte Carlo Calculations of Integrated Likelihoods for the Latent Class Model, to be published},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
year = {2010},
volume = {1},
pages = {1-2}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chamroukhi_m10a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Chamroukhi; A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; P. Aknin.
  <I><B>A hidden process regression model for functional data description. Application to curve discrimination</B></I>. 
      Volume 73, 
  Pages 1210-1221, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m10a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m10a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_chamroukhi_m10a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: A new approach for functional data description is proposed in this paper. It consists of a regression model wit a discrete hidden logistic process which is adapted for modeling curves with abrupt or smooth regime changes.The model parameters are estimated in a maximum likelihood framework through a dedicated expectation maximization (EM) algorithm.From the proposed generative model, a curve discrimination rule is derived using the maximum a posteriori rule. The proposed model is evaluated using simulated curves and real world curves acquired during railways witch operations, by performing comparisons with the piecewise regression approach in terms of curv emodeling and classification.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chamroukhi_m10a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{chamroukhi_m10a,

author = {Chamroukhi, F. and Sam\' e, A. and Govaert, G. and Aknin, P.},
title = {A hidden process regression model for functional data description. Application to curve discrimination},
journal = {Neurocomputing},
year = {2010},
volume = {73},
pages = {1210-1221}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chamroukhi_m10b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Chamroukhi; A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; P. Aknin.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le &agrave; processus latent et algorithme EM pour la r&eacute;gression non lin&eacute;aire, to be published</B></I>. 
  RNTI, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information,&nbsp;
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m10b','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m10b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_chamroukhi_m10b” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Cet article propose une m&eacute;thode de r&eacute;gression non lineaire qui s'appuie sur un mod&egrave;le int&eacute;grant un processus latent qui permet d'activer pr&eacute;f&eacute;rentiellement,<br>et de mani&egrave;re souple, des sous-mod&egrave;les de r&eacute;gression polynomiaux. Les param&egrave;tres du mod&egrave;le sont estim&eacute;s par la m&eacute;thode du maximumde vraisemblance<br>mise en &#339; vre par un algorithme EM d&eacute;di&eacute;. Une &eacute;tude exp&eacute;rimentale men&egrave;e sur des donn&eacute;es simul&eacute;es et des donn&eacute;es r&eacute;elles met en &eacute;vidence de bonnes<br>performances de l'approche propos&eacute;e.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chamroukhi_m10b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{chamroukhi_m10b,

author = {Chamroukhi, F. and Sam\' e, A. and Govaert, G. and Aknin, P.},
title = {Mod\`ele \`a processus latent et algorithme {EM} pour la r\'egression non lin\'eaire, to be published},
journal = {RNTI, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
year = {2010}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m10a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Latent Block Model for Contingency Table</B></I>. 
  Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,&nbsp;
      Volume 39, 
      Number 3, 
  Pages 416-425, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m10a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m10a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_govaert_m10a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Although many clustering procedures aim to construct an optimal partition of objects or, sometimes, of variables, there are other methods, called block clustering methods, which consider simultaneously the two sets and organize the data into homogeneous blocks.  This kind of methods has practical importance in a wide of variety of applications such as text and market basket data analysis. Typically, the data that arises in these applications is arranged as two-way contingency table.  Using Poisson distributions, a latent block model for these data is proposed and, setting it under the maximum likelihood approach and the classification maximum likelihood approach, various algorithms are proposed. Their performances are evaluated and compared to a simple use of EM or CEM applied separately on the rows and columns of the contingency table.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m10a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m10a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Latent Block Model for Contingency Table},
journal = {Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods},
year = {2010},
volume = {39},
number = {3},
pages = {416-425}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“caudeville_m09a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2009</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  J. Caudeville; G. Govaert; R. Bonnard; O. Blanchard &amp; A. Cicolella.
  <I><B>Construction d'un indicateur d'exposition spatialis&eacute; de l'environnement.</B></I>. 
  STIC &amp; Environnement 2009,&nbsp;
      16-18 juin, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('caudeville_m09a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('caudeville_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_caudeville_m09a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: SIGFRIED project (Geographic Information System, Environmental Risk Factors and Cancer Death) aims to build a spatial exposure indicator concerning French population exposure to chemical pollutants. The indicator integrates environmental geodatabases (water, air, soil) using GIS. A multimedia exposure model solves pollutant transfer equations from source release to human body using health risk assessment approach. The principal aim of the SIGFRIED's Project is to identify hot spot areas with significantly elevated exposure indicator. In a next step, results will be use to define environmental monitoring campaigns and to analyze geographic cancer inequalities in France.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_caudeville_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{caudeville_m09a,

author = {Caudeville, J. and Govaert, G. and Bonnard, R. and Blanchard, O. and Cicolella, A.},
title = {Construction d'un indicateur d'exposition spatialis\'e de l'environnement.},
booktitle = {STIC \& Environnement 2009},
address = {Calais},
month = {16-18 juin},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“caudeville_m09b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  J. Caudeville; G. Govaert; O. Blanchard &amp; A. Cicolella.
  <I><B>Using Geographic Information Systems to Build an Indicator of Human Exposure to Local Environmental Quality Concerning Chronic Health Risks</B></I>. 
  X2009 Sixth International Conference on Innovations in Exposure Assessment,&nbsp;
      Boston, MA, 
      August 17-20, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('caudeville_m09b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_caudeville_m09b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{caudeville_m09b,

author = {Caudeville, J. and Govaert, G. and Blanchard, O. and Cicolella, A.},
title = {Using Geographic Information Systems to Build an Indicator of Human Exposure to Local Environmental Quality Concerning Chronic Health Risks},
booktitle = {X2009 Sixth International Conference on Innovations in Exposure Assessment},
address = {Boston, MA},
month = {August 17-20},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“caudeville_m09c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  J. Caudeville; G. Govaert; O. Blanchard &amp; Cicolella.
  <I><B>Assessing heavy metal exposure from ingestion with multimedia exposure model operating in a GIS environment</B></I>. 
  19th annual conference of the international society of exposure science,&nbsp;
      Minneapolis, USA, 
      1-5 November, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('caudeville_m09c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_caudeville_m09c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{caudeville_m09c,

author = {Caudeville, J. and Govaert, G. and Blanchard, O. and Cicolella},
title = {Assessing heavy metal exposure from ingestion with multimedia exposure model operating in a GIS environment},
booktitle = {19th annual conference of the international society of exposure science},
address = {Minneapolis, USA},
month = {1-5 November},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chamroukhi_m09a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Chamroukhi; A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; P. Aknin.
  <I><B>A regression model with a hidden logistic process for signal parametrization</B></I>. 
  17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning,&nbsp;
      Bruges (Belgium), 
      22 - 24 April, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_chamroukhi_m09a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: A new approach for signal parametrization, which consists of a specific regression model incorporating a discrete hidden logistic process, is proposed. The model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method performed by a dedicated Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The parameters of the hidden logistic process, in the inner loop of the EM algorithm, are estimated using a multi-class Iterative Reweighted Least-Squares (IRLS) algorithm. An experimental study using simulated and real data reveals good performances of the proposed approach.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chamroukhi_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{chamroukhi_m09a,

author = {Chamroukhi, F. and Sam\' e, A. and Govaert, G. and Aknin, P.},
title = {A regression model with a hidden logistic process for signal parametrization},
booktitle = {17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning},
address = {Bruges (Belgium)},
month = {22 - 24 April},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chamroukhi_m09b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Chamroukhi; A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; P. Aknin.
  <I><B>Time series modeling by a regression approach based on a latent process</B></I>. 
  Neural Networks,&nbsp;
      Volume 22, 
  Pages 593-602, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09b','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_chamroukhi_m09b” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Time series are used in many domains including finance, engineering, economics and bioinformatics generally to represent the change of a measurement over time. Modeling techniques may then be used to give a synthetic representation of such data. A new approach for time series modeling is proposed in this paper. It consists of a regression model incorporating a discrete hidden logistic process allowing for activating smoothly or abruptly different polynomial regression models. The model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method performed by a dedicated Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The M step of the EM algorithm uses a multi-class Iterative Reweighted Least-Squares (IRLS) algorithm to estimate the hidden process parameters. To evaluate the proposed approach, an experimental study on simulated data and real world data was performed using two alternative approaches: a heteroskedastic piecewise regression model using a global optimization algorithm based on dynamic programming, and a Hidden Markov Regression Model whose parameters are estimated by the Baum-Welch algorithm. Finally, in the context of the remote monitoring of components of the French railway infrastructure, and more particularly the switch mechanism, the proposed approach has been applied to modeling and classifying time series representing the condition measurements acquired during switch operations.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chamroukhi_m09b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{chamroukhi_m09b,

author = {Chamroukhi, F. and Sam\' e, A. and Govaert, G. and Aknin, P.},
title = {Time series modeling by a regression approach based on a latent process},
journal = {Neural Networks},
year = {2009},
volume = {22},
pages = {593-602}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chamroukhi_m09c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Chamroukhi; A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; P Aknin.
  <I><B>A regression model with a hidden logistic process for feature extraction from time series</B></I>. 
  IJCNN'09 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,&nbsp;
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09c','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chamroukhi_m09c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_chamroukhi_m09c” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: A new approach for feature extraction from time series is proposed in this paper. This approach consists of a specific regression model incorporating a discrete hidden logistic process. The model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method performed by a dedicated Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The parameters of the hidden logistic process, in the inner loop of the EM algorithm, are estimated using a multi-class Iterative Reweighted Least-Squares (IRLS) algorithm. A piecewise regression algorithm and its iterative variant have also been considered for comparisons. An experimental study using simulated and real data reveals good performances of the proposed approach.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chamroukhi_m09c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{chamroukhi_m09c,

author = {Chamroukhi, F. and Sam\' e, A. and Govaert, G. and Aknin, P},
title = {A regression model with a hidden logistic process for feature extraction from time series},
booktitle = {IJCNN'09 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks},
address = {Atlanta},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gaillard_m09” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  P. Gaillard; M. Aupetit &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Le Graphe G&eacute;n&eacute;ratif Gaussien</B></I>. 
  La Revue MODULAD,&nbsp;
      Number 40, 
  Pages 103-120, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m09','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m09','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_gaillard_m09” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Un nuage de points est plus qu'un ensemble de points isol珩⸀ 䰀愀 搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀 搀攀猀 瀀漀椀渀琀猀 瀀攀甀琀 tre gouvern早 瀀愀爀 甀渀攀 猀琀爀甀挀琀甀爀攀 琀漀瀀漀氀漀最椀焀甀攀 挀愀挀栀e, et du point de vue de la fouille de donn早猀Ⰰ 洀漀搀liser et extraire cette structure est au moins aussi important que d'estimer la seule densit⃩搀攀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀椀氀椀琀 du nuage. Dans cet article, nous proposons un mod注攀 最n狩愀琀椀昀 戀愀猀 sur le graphe de Delaunay d'un ensemble de prototypes repr珩攀渀琀愀渀琀 氀攀 渀甀愀最攀 搀攀 瀀漀椀渀琀猀Ⰰ 攀琀 猀甀瀀瀀漀猀愀渀琀 甀渀 戀爀甀椀琀 最愀甀猀猀椀攀渀⸀ 一漀甀猀 搀rivons un algorithme pour la maximisation de la vraisemblance des param瓨爀攀猀Ⰰ 攀琀 渀漀甀猀 甀琀椀氀椀猀漀渀猀 氀攀 挀爀椀琀re BIC pour s泩攀挀琀椀漀渀渀攀爀 氀愀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀砀椀琀 du mod注攀⸀ 䌀攀 琀爀愀瘀愀椀氀 愀 瀀漀甀爀 漀戀樀攀挀琀椀昀 搀攀 瀀漀猀攀爀 氀攀猀 瀀爀攀洀椀res pierres d'un cadre th濩爀椀焀甀攀 戀愀猀 sur les mod注攀猀 最n狩愀琀椀昀猀 猀琀愀琀椀猀琀椀焀甀攀猀Ⰰ 瀀攀爀洀攀琀琀愀渀琀 氀愀 挀漀渀猀琀爀甀挀琀椀漀渀 愀甀琀漀洀愀琀椀焀甀攀 搀攀 洀漀搀les topologiques d'un nuage de points.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gaillard_m09” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{gaillard_m09,

author = {Gaillard, P. and Aupetit, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Le Graphe G\'en\'eratif Gaussien},
journal = {La Revue MODULAD},
year = {2009},
number = {40},
pages = {103-120}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m09a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Un mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange pour la classification crois&eacute;e d'un tableau de donn&eacute;es continues</B></I>. 
  CAp 09, 11e conf&eacute;rence sur l'apprentissage artificiel,&nbsp;
      Hammamet, Tunisie, 
      25-29 mai, 
  Pages 287-302, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m09a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_govaert_m09a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Contrairement aux m&eacute;thodes de classification automatique habituelles, les m&eacute;thodes de classification crois&eacute;e traitent l'ensemble des lignes et l'ensemble des colonnes d'un tableau de donn&eacute;es simultan&eacute;ment en cherchant &agrave; obtenir des blocs homog&egrave;nes. Dans cet article, nous abordons la classification crois&eacute;e lorsque le tableau de donn&eacute;es porte sur un ensemble d'individus d&eacute;crits par des variables quantitatives et, pour tenir compte de cet objectif, nous proposons un mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange adapt&eacute; &agrave; la classification crois&eacute;e conduisant &agrave; des crit&egrave;res originaux permettant de prendre en compte des situations plus complexes que les crit&egrave;res habituellement utilis&eacute;s dans ce contexte. Les param&egrave;tres sont alors estim&eacute;s par un algorithme EM g&eacute;n&eacute;ralis&eacute; (GEM) maximisant la vraisemblance des donn&eacute;es observ&eacute;es. Nous proposons en outre une nouvelle expression du crit&egrave;re bay&eacute;sien de l'information, appel&eacute;e BICB, adapt&eacute;e &agrave; notre situation pour &eacute;valuer le nombre de blocs. Des exp&eacute;riences num&eacute;riques portant sur des donn&eacute;es synth&eacute;tiques permettent d'&eacute;valuer les performances de GEM et de BICB et de montrer l'int&eacute;r&ecirc;t de cette approche.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m09a,

author = {Govaert, G and Nadif, M.},
title = {Un mod\`ele de m\'elange pour la classification crois\'ee d'un tableau de donn\'ees continues},
booktitle = {CAp 09, 11e conf\'erence sur l'apprentissage artificiel},
address = {Hammamet, Tunisie},
month = {25-29 mai},
year = {2009},
pages = {287-302}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m09b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Data Analysis</B></I>. 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m09b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m09b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @book{govaert_m09b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Data Analysis},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m09c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering and the Mixture Model</B></I>. 
  Data Analysis,&nbsp;
  Pages 257-287, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m09c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m09c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @incollection{govaert_m09c,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering and the Mixture Model},
booktitle = {Data Analysis},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {2009},
pages = {257-287}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m09d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering and mixture models</B></I>. 
  Working Group on Model-Based Clustering Summer Session,&nbsp;
      July 19-25, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m09d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m09d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m09d,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Block clustering and mixture models},
booktitle = {Working Group on Model-Based Clustering Summer Session},
address = {Paris},
month = {July 19-25},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“masson_m09a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  J.-B. Masson; G. Govaert; C. Mandin; S. Kirchner &amp; A. Cicolella.
  <I><B>Classification of dwellings into profiles regarding indoor air quality, and identification of indoor air pollution determinant factors</B></I>. 
  ISIAQ's Healthy Buildings 2009 Conference,&nbsp;
      Syracuse, NY, USA, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('masson_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_masson_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{masson_m09a,

author = {Masson,J.-B. and Govaert, G. and Mandin, C. and Kirchner, S. and Cicolella, A.},
title = {Classification of dwellings into profiles regarding indoor air quality, and identification of indoor air pollution determinant factors},
booktitle = {ISIAQ's Healthy Buildings 2009 Conference},
address = {Syracuse, NY, USA},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m09a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Cluster Analysis</B></I>. 
  Data Analysis,&nbsp;
  Pages 215-255, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @incollection{nadif_m09a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Cluster Analysis},
booktitle = {Data Analysis},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {2009},
pages = {215-255}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m09b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Different variants of model-based coclustering of continuous data</B></I>. 
  ERCIM 09, 2nd Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics,&nbsp;
      Limassol, Cyprus, 
      October 29-31, 
  Pages 14, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m09b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m09b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m09b,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Different variants of model-based coclustering of continuous data},
booktitle = {ERCIM 09, 2nd Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics},
address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
month = {October 29-31},
year = {2009},
pages = {14}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m09a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Sam&eacute;; F. Chamroukhi &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le &agrave; processus latent et algorithme EM pour la r&eacute;gression non lin&eacute;aire</B></I>. 
  41&egrave;mes Journ&eacute;es de Statistique, SFdS, Bordeaux,&nbsp;
      Bordeaux, France, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m09a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m09a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m09a,

author = {Sam{\'e}, A. and Chamroukhi, F. and Govaert, G.},
title = {{M}od{\`e}le {\`a} processus latent et algorithme {EM} pour la r{\'e}gression non lin{\'e}aire},
booktitle = {41{\`e}mes {J}ourn{\'e}es de {S}tatistique, {SF}d{S}, {B}ordeaux},
address = {Bordeaux, France},
year = {2009}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m08a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2008</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert &amp; F. Langrognet.
  <I><B>Mixmod: a software for model-based classification with continuous and categorical data</B></I>. 
  SFC - CLADAG 2008, First joint meeting of the Soci&eacute;t&eacute; Francophone de Classification and the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society,&nbsp;
      Caserta, Italy, 
      June 11-13th, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m08a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m08a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m08a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Langrognet, F.},
title = {Mixmod: a software for model-based classification with continuous and categorical data},
booktitle = {SFC - CLADAG 2008, First joint meeting of the Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Francophone de Classification and the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society},
address = {Caserta, Italy},
month = {June 11-13th},
year = {2008}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m08b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing the number of clusters in the latent class model</B></I>. 
  Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence, 32th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f&uuml;r Klassifikation),&nbsp;
      University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany, 
      July 16-18, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m08b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m08b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m08b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Choosing the number of clusters in the latent class model},
booktitle = {Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence, 32th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Klassifikation)},
address = {University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany},
month = {July 16-18},
year = {2008}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m08c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Exact and Monte Carlo Calculations of Integrated Likelihoods for the Latent Class Model</B></I>. 
  International Workshop on Mixture Models and Their Applications,&nbsp;
      Universit⃩搀攀 倀愀甀 攀琀 搀攀猀 倀愀礀猀 搀攀 氀✀䄀搀漀甀爀Ⰰ ഀ਀        䨀甀渀攀Ⰰ ㈀㌀ⴀ㈀㐀Ⰰ ഀ਀        ഀ਀        ഀ਀        ഀ਀ऀ  ഀ਀ऀ  ഀ਀ऀ  ㈀  㠀⸀ ഀ਀   ऀ  ഀ਀ऀ  ഀ਀ऀ  㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀樀愀瘀愀猀挀爀椀瀀琀㨀琀漀最最氀攀䤀渀昀漀⠀✀戀椀攀爀渀愀挀欀椀开洀 㠀挀✀Ⰰ✀戀椀戀琀攀砀✀⤀∀㸀嬀䈀椀戀吀攀堀崀㰀⼀愀㸀ഀ਀  ऀ  ഀ਀        ഀ਀ऀ  ഀ਀ऀ  㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀ਀      㰀⼀琀搀㸀ഀ਀㰀⼀琀爀㸀ഀ਀㰀琀爀 椀搀㴀∀戀椀戀开戀椀攀爀渀愀挀欀椀开洀 㠀挀∀ 挀氀愀猀猀㴀∀戀椀戀琀攀砀 渀漀猀栀漀眀∀㸀ഀ਀㰀琀搀 挀漀氀猀瀀愀渀㴀∀㘀∀㸀ഀ਀㰀戀㸀䈀椀戀吀攀堀㰀⼀戀㸀㨀ഀ਀㰀瀀爀攀㸀ഀ਀䀀椀渀瀀爀漀挀攀攀搀椀渀最猀笀戀椀攀爀渀愀挀欀椀开洀 㠀挀Ⰰഀ਀  愀甀琀栀漀爀 㴀 笀䈀椀攀爀渀愀挀欀椀Ⰰ 䌀⸀ 愀渀搀 䌀攀氀攀甀砀Ⰰ 䜀⸀ 愀渀搀 䜀漀瘀愀攀爀琀Ⰰ 䜀⸀紀Ⰰഀ਀  琀椀琀氀攀 㴀 笀䔀砀愀挀琀 愀渀搀 䴀漀渀琀攀 䌀愀爀氀漀 䌀愀氀挀甀氀愀琀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 䤀渀琀攀最爀愀琀攀搀 䰀椀欀攀氀椀栀漀漀搀猀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 䰀愀琀攀渀琀 䌀氀愀猀猀 䴀漀搀攀氀紀Ⰰഀ਀  戀漀漀欀琀椀琀氀攀 㴀 笀䤀渀琀攀爀渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 圀漀爀欀猀栀漀瀀 漀渀 䴀椀砀琀甀爀攀 䴀漀搀攀氀猀 愀渀搀 吀栀攀椀爀 䄀瀀瀀氀椀挀愀琀椀漀渀猀紀Ⰰഀ਀  愀搀搀爀攀猀猀 㴀 笀唀渀椀瘀攀爀猀椀琀 de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
month = {June, 23-24},
year = {2008}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gaillard_m08a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  P. Gaillard; M. Aupetit &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Learning topology of a labeled data set with the supervised generative Gaussian graph</B></I>. 
      Volume 71, 
      Number 7-9, 
  Pages 1283-1299, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m08a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m08a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_gaillard_m08a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Extracting the topology of a set of a labeled data is expected to provide important information in order to analyze the data or to design a better decision system. In this work, we propose to extend the generative Gaussian graph to supervised learning in order to extract the topology of labeled data sets. The graph obtained learns the intra-class and inter-class connectedness and also the manifold-overlapping of the different classes. We propose a way to vizualize these topological features. We apply it to analyze the well-known Iris database and the three-phase pipe flow database.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gaillard_m08a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{gaillard_m08a,

author = {Gaillard, P. and Aupetit, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Learning topology of a labeled data set with the supervised generative Gaussian graph},
journal = {Neurocomputing},
year = {2008},
volume = {71},
number = {7-9},
pages = {1283-1299}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m08a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Block clustering with Bernoulli mixture models: Comparison of different approaches</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 52, 
      Number 6, 
  Pages 3233-3245, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m08a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m08a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_govaert_m08a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: The block or simultaneous clustering problem on a set of objects and a set of variables is embedded in the mixture model. Two algorithms have been developed: block EM as part of the maximum likelihood and fuzzy approaches, and block CEM as part of the classification maximum likelihood approach. A unified framework for obtaining different variants of block EM is proposed. These variants are studied and their performances evaluated in comparison with block CEM, two-way EM and two-way CEM, i.e EM and CEM applied separately to the two sets.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m08a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m08a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Block clustering with {B}ernoulli mixture models: Comparison of different approaches},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {2008},
volume = {52},
number = {6},
pages = {3233-3245}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m08a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Algorithms for Model-based Block Gaussian Clustering</B></I>. 
  DMIN'08, the 2008 International Conference on Data Mining,&nbsp;
      Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 
      July 14-17, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m08a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m08a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m08a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Algorithms for Model-based Block Gaussian Clustering},
booktitle = {DMIN'08, the 2008 International Conference on Data Mining},
address = {Las Vegas, Nevada, USA},
month = {July 14-17},
year = {2008}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“priam_m08a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  R. Priam; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Binary Block GTM : Carte auto-organisatrice probabiliste pour les grands tableaux binaires</B></I>. 
  Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2008), Actes des 8&egrave;mes journ&eacute;es Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances,&nbsp;
      Sophia-Antipolis, France,, 
      29 janvier au 1er f&eacute;vrier, 
      Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 
  Pages 265-272, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('priam_m08a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_priam_m08a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{priam_m08a,

author = {Priam,R. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Binary Block GTM : Carte auto-organisatrice probabiliste pour les grands tableaux binaires},
booktitle = {Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2008), Actes des 8{\`e}mes journ{\'e}es Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances},
address = {Sophia-Antipolis, France,},
month = {29 janvier au 1er f{\'e}vrier},
publisher = {C{\'e}padu{\`e}s-{\'E}ditions},
year = {2008},
series = {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
pages = {265-272}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“priam_m08b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  R. Priam; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>The Block Generative Topographic Mapping</B></I>. 
  The Third International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS),&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Number 5064, 
  Pages 13-23, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('priam_m08b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_priam_m08b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{priam_m08b,

author = {Priam, R. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {The Block Generative Topographic Mapping},
booktitle = {The Third International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS)},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
month = {September},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2008},
number = {5064},
pages = {13-23}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“valdes_m08” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  D. Valdes-Lao; C. Declercc; A. Cicollela; A. Sasco; O. Blanchard; L. Mosqueron; A. Trugeon; P. Pepin; O. Guye; A. Sonko; J. Colonna, M. Caudeville; J.-B. Masson &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Approche spatiale des in&eacute;galit&eacute;s d'exposition environnementale et socio&eacute;conomiques. Quelle influence sur les in&eacute;galit&eacute;s de cancer ? Projet Cancer in&eacute;galit&eacute;s r&eacute;gionales, cantonales et environnement (CIRCE)</B></I>. 
  Congr&eacute;s national des observatoires r&eacute;gionaux de la sant&eacute; "Les in&eacute;galit&eacute;s de sant&eacute;. Nouveaux savoirs, nouveaux enjeux politiques,&nbsp;
      16-17 octobre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('valdes_m08','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_valdes_m08” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{valdes_m08,

author = {Valdes-Lao, D. and Declercc, C. and Cicollela, A. and Sasco, A. and Blanchard, O. and Mosqueron, L. and Trugeon, A. and Pepin, P. and Guye, O. and Sonko,A. and Colonna, M. Caudeville, J. and Masson, J.-B. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Approche spatiale des in\'egalit\'es d'exposition environnementale et socio\'economiques. Quelle influence sur les in\'egalit\'es de cancer ? Projet Cancer in\'egalit\'es r\'egionales, cantonales et environnement (CIRCE)},
booktitle = {Congr\'es national des observatoires r\'egionaux de la sant\'e "Les in\'egalit\'es de sant\'e. Nouveaux savoirs, nouveaux enjeux politiques},
address = {Marseille},
month = {16-17 octobre},
year = {2008}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“vandewalle_m08” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  V. Vandewalle; C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&eacute;les probabilistes pour la classification Semi-Supervis&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  Proceedings of the First joint meeting of the Soci&eacute;t&eacute; Francophone de Classification and the Classification And Data Analysis Group of SISS,&nbsp;
      Caserta, Italy, 
  Pages 433-436, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('vandewalle_m08','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_vandewalle_m08” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{vandewalle_m08,

author = {Vandewalle, V. and Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod\'eles probabilistes pour la classification Semi-Supervis\'ee},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First joint meeting of the Soci\'et\'e Francophone de Classification and the Classification And Data Analysis Group of SISS},
address = {Caserta, Italy},
year = {2008},
pages = {433-436}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“aupetit_m07” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2007</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Aupetit; P. Gaillard &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A generative Gaussian graph to learn the topology of a set of points</B></I>. 
  Statistical workshop on "statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods",&nbsp;
      Lisieux, France, 
      June 29, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('aupetit_m07','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_aupetit_m07” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{aupetit_m07,

author = {Aupetit, M. and Gaillard, P. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A generative Gaussian graph to learn the topology of a set of points},
booktitle = {Statistical workshop on "statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods"},
address = {Lisieux, France},
month = {June 29},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m07a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering mixture models : general aspects and model selection criteria, invited</B></I>. 
  Workshop on statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods,&nbsp;
      Lisieux, France, 
      June 29, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m07a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m07a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m07a,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering mixture models : general aspects and model selection criteria, invited},
booktitle = {Workshop on statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods},
address = {Lisieux, France},
month = {June 29},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m07b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux; C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Predictive Clustering</B></I>. 
  Workshop on Model-Based Clustering,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m07b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m07b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m07b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Predictive Clustering},
booktitle = {Workshop on Model-Based Clustering},
address = {Dublin},
month = {July},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gaillard_m07a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  P. Gaillard; Aupetit M. &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Apprentissage statistique de la topologie d'un ensemble de donn&eacute;es &eacute;tiquet&eacute;es</B></I>. 
  Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2007), Actes des cinqui&egrave;mes journ&eacute;es Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Namur, Belgique, 23-26 janvier 2007, 2 Volumes,&nbsp;
      Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 
  Pages 455-460, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m07a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gaillard_m07a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{gaillard_m07a,

author = {Gaillard, P. and Aupetit M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Apprentissage statistique de la topologie d'un ensemble de donn{\'e}es {\'e}tiquet{\'e}es},
booktitle = {Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2007), Actes des cinqui{\`e}mes journ{\'e}es Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Namur, Belgique, 23-26 janvier 2007, 2 Volumes},
publisher = {C{\'e}padu{\`e}s-{\'E}ditions},
year = {2007},
series = {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
pages = {455-460}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gaillard_m07b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  P. Gaillard; M. Aupetit &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Learning topology of a labeled data set with the supervised generative gaussian graph</B></I>. 
  ESANN2007, 15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,&nbsp;
      Bruges, Belgium, 
      April 25-26-27, 
  Pages 235-240, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gaillard_m07b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gaillard_m07b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{gaillard_m07b,

author = {Gaillard, P. and Aupetit, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Learning topology of a labeled data set with the supervised generative gaussian graph},
booktitle = {ESANN2007, 15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},
month = {April 25-26-27},
year = {2007},
pages = {235-240}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m07a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Clustering of contingency table and mixture model</B></I>. 
  European Journal of Operational Research,&nbsp;
      Volume 183, 
  Pages 1055-1066, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m07a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m07a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_govaert_m07a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Basing cluster analysis on mixture models has become a classical and powerful approach. It enables some classical criteria such as the well-known k-means criterion to be explained. To classify the rows or the columns of a contingency table, an adapted version of k-means known as Mndki2, which uses the chi-square distance, can be used. Unfortunately, this simple, effective method which can be used jointly with correspondence analysis based on the same representation of the data, cannot be associated with a mixture model in the same way as the classical k-means algorithm. In this paper<br>we show that the Mndki2 algorithm can be viewed as an approximation of a classifying version of the EM algorithm for a mixture of multinomial distributions. A comparison of the algorithms belonging in this context are experimentally investigated using Monte Carlo simulations.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m07a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m07a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Clustering of contingency table and mixture model},
journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
year = {2007},
volume = {183},
pages = {1055-1066}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m07b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Latent Block Model for Contingency Table - Comparison of different Approaches</B></I>. 
  12th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2007),&nbsp;
      Chania, Crete, Greece, 
      May 29 - June 1, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m07b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m07b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m07b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Latent Block Model for Contingency Table - Comparison of different Approaches},
booktitle = {12th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2007)},
address = {Chania, Crete, Greece},
month = {May 29 - June 1},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m07c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classification</B></I>. 
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 
  Pages 203-212, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m07c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m07c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inbook{govaert_m07c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classification},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
month = {August},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007},
series = {Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization},
pages = {203-212}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m07d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; G. Celeux.
  <I><B>Some specific aspects of clustering mixture models: block clustering and variable selection</B></I>. 
  Workshop on statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods,&nbsp;
      Lisieux, France, 
      June 29, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m07d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m07d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m07d,

author = {Govaert, G. and Celeux, G.},
title = {Some specific aspects of clustering mixture models: block clustering and variable selection},
booktitle = {Workshop on statistical approaches and validation in clustering: mixture models and nonparametric methods},
address = {Lisieux, France},
month = {June 29},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“kumar_07” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Kumar &amp; N.R. Patel.
  <I><B>Clustering data with measurement errors</B></I>. 
  Computational statistics &amp; data analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 51, 
      Number 12, 
  Pages 6084-6101, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('kumar_07','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_kumar_07” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{kumar_07,

author = {Kumar, M. and Patel, N.R.},
title = {Clustering data with measurement errors},
journal = {Computational statistics \& data analysis},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2007},
volume = {51},
number = {12},
pages = {6084--6101}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m07a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering and statistical modelling</B></I>. 
  Symposium on mixture modeling,&nbsp;
      Leuven, Belgium, 
      November 20-21, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m07a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m07a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m07a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Block clustering and statistical modelling},
booktitle = {Symposium on mixture modeling},
address = {Leuven, Belgium},
month = {November 20-21},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m07a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Sam&eacute;; C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>An online Classification EM algorithm based on the mixture model</B></I>. 
  Statistics and Computing,&nbsp;
      Volume 17, 
      Number 3, 
  Pages 209-218, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m07a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m07a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_same_m07a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Mixture-model-based clustering is widely used in many applications. In certain real-time applications the rapid increase of data size with time makes classical clustering algorithms too slow. An online clustering algorithm based on mixture models is presented in the context of a real-time flaw-diagnosis application for pressurized containers which uses data from acoustic emission signals. The proposed algorithm is a stochastic gradient algorithm derived from the classification version of the EM algorithm (CEM). It provides a model-based generalization of the well-known online k-means algorithm, able to handle non-spherical clusters. Using synthetic and real data sets, the proposed algorithm is compared with the batch CEM algorithm and the online EM algorithm. The three approaches generate comparable solutions in terms of the resulting partition when clusters are relatively well separated, but online algorithms become faster as the size of the available<br>observations increases.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m07a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{same_m07a,

author = {Sam{\'e}, A. and Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {An online Classification EM algorithm based on the mixture model},
month = {September},
journal = {Statistics and Computing},
year = {2007},
volume = {17},
number = {3},
pages = {209-218}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m07b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Sam&eacute;; P. Aknin &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique pour la segmentation de signaux unidimensionnels</B></I>. 
  SFC 2007, XIVe Rencontre de la Soci&eacute;t&eacute; francophone de classification,&nbsp;
      Paris, France, 
      5-7 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m07b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m07b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m07b,

author = {Sam{\'e}, A. and Aknin, P. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique pour la segmentation de signaux unidimensionnels},
booktitle = {SFC 2007, XIVe Rencontre de la Soci\'et\'e francophone de classification},
address = {Paris, France},
month = {5-7 Septembre},
year = {2007}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“tessier_m07” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Tessier; M. Schoenauer; C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Parameter Setting for Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering</B></I>. 
  Advances in Computation and Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Number 4683, 
  Pages 472-484, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('tessier_m07','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_tessier_m07” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{tessier_m07,

author = {Tessier, G. and Schoenauer, M. and Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Parameter Setting for Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering},
booktitle = {Advances in Computation and Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007},
number = {4683},
pages = {472-484}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m06a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2006</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Model based hierarchical co-clustering</B></I>. 
  COMPSTAT 2006,&nbsp;
      Rome, Italie, 
      August, 28 - September, 1, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m06a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Model based hierarchical co-clustering},
booktitle = {COMPSTAT 2006},
address = {Rome, Italie},
month = {August, 28 - September, 1},
year = {2006}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert &amp; F. Langrognet.
  <I><B>Model-based cluster and discriminant analysis with the MIXMOD software</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 51, 
  Pages 587-600, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m06a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_biernacki_m06a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: The Mixture Modeling (MIXMOD) program fits mixture models to a given data set for the purposes of density estimation, clustering or discriminant analysis. A large variety of algorithms to estimate the mixture parameters are proposed (EM, Classification EM, Stochastic EM), and it is possible to combine these to yield different strategies for obtaining a sensible maximum for the likelihood (or complete-data likelihood) function. MIXMOD is currently intended to be used for multivariate Gaussian mixtures, and fourteen different Gaussian models can be distinguished according to different assumptions regarding the component variance matrix eigenvalue decomposition. Moreover, different information criteria for choosing a parsimonious model (the number of mixture components, for instance) are included, their suitability depending on the particular perspective (cluster analysis or discriminant analysis). Written in C++, MIXMOD is interfaced with SCILAB andMATLAB. The program, the statistical documentation and the user guide are available on the internet at the following address:</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m06a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Langrognet, F.},
title = {Model-based cluster and discriminant analysis with the MIXMOD software},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {2006},
volume = {51},
pages = {587-600}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m06b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert &amp; F. Lengrognet.
  <I><B>Le logiciel Mixmod d'analyse de m&eacute;lange pour la classification et l'analyse discriminante</B></I>. 
  Revue MODULAD,&nbsp;
      Volume 35, 
  Pages 25-44, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m06b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m06b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m06b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Lengrognet, F.},
title = {Le logiciel Mixmod d'analyse de m{\'e}lange pour la classification et l'analyse discriminante},
journal = {Revue MODULAD},
year = {2006},
volume = {35},
pages = {25-44}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gouget_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Gouget &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique de donn&eacute;es ordinales- Utilisation de mod&egrave;les multinomiaux contraints</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2006, 38ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Clamart, France, 
      29 mai - 2 juin, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gouget_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gouget_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{gouget_m06a,

author = {Gouget, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique de donn{\'e}es ordinales- Utilisation de mod{\`e}les multinomiaux contraints},
booktitle = {SFdS'2006, 38\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Clamart, France},
month = {29 mai - 2 juin},
year = {2006}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Fuzzy Clustering to estimate the parameters of block mixture models</B></I>. 
  Soft Computing,&nbsp;
      Volume 10, 
      Number 5, 
  Pages 415-422, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m06a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_govaert_m06a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: Finite mixture models are being increasingly used to provide model-based cluster analysis. To tackle the problem of block clustering which aims to organize the data into homogeneous blocks, recently we have proposed a block mixture model; we have considered this model under the classification maximum likelihood approach and we have developed a new algorithm for simultaneous partitioning based on the Classification EM algorithm. From the estimation point of view, classification maximum likelihood approach yields inconsistent estimates of the parameters and in this paper we consider the block clustering problem under the maximum likelihood approach; unfortunately, the application of the classical EM algorithm for the block mixture model is not direct : difficulties arise due to the dependence structure in the model and approximations are required. Considering the block clustering problem under a fuzzy approach, we propose a fuzzy block clustering algorithm to approximate the EM algorithm. To illustrate our approach, we study the case of binary data by using a Bernoulli block mixture.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m06a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Fuzzy Clustering to estimate the parameters of block mixture models},
month = {march},
journal = {Soft Computing},
year = {2006},
volume = {10},
number = {5},
pages = {415-422}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m06b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e d'un tableau de contingence et mod&egrave;le probabiliste</B></I>. 
  RNTI-E-6, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information,&nbsp;
      Volume 2, 
  Pages 457-462, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m06b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m06b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m06b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Classification crois{\'e}e d'un tableau de contingence et mod{\`e}le probabiliste},
journal = {RNTI-E-6, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
year = {2006},
volume = {2},
pages = {457-462}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m06c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert; R. Hahnle &amp; M. Nadif.
  Soft Computing,&nbsp;
      Volume 10, 
      Number 5, 
  Pages 405, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m06c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m06c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m06c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Hahnle, R. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Preface},
month = {march},
journal = {Soft Computing},
year = {2006},
volume = {10},
number = {5},
pages = {405}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m06d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; G. Celeux.
  <I><B>Le mod&egrave;le des m&eacute;langes, les principales caract&eacute;ristiques de MIXMOD</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;es MIXMOD,&nbsp;
      October 24, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m06d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m06d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m06d,

author = {Govaert, G. and Celeux, G.},
title = {Le mod\`ele des m\'elanges, les principales caract\'eristiques de MIXMOD},
booktitle = {Journ\'ees MIXMOD},
address = {Paris},
month = {October 24},
year = {2006}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mixture model approach for acoustic emission control of cylindrical pressure vessels</B></I>. 
  Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,&nbsp;
      Volume 128, 
  Pages 479-483, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m06a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_hamdan_m06a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: In this paper, we present a new and original mixture model approach for acoustic emission (AE) data clustering. AE techniques have been used in a variety of applications in industrial plants. These techniques can provide the most sophisticated monitoring test and can generally be done with the plant/pressure equipment operating at several conditions. Since the AE clusters may present several constraints (different proportions, volumes, orientations, and shapes), we propose to base the AE cluster analysis on Gaussian mixture models, which will be, in such situations, a powerful approach. Furthermore, the diagonal Gaussian mixture model seems to be well adapted to the detection and monitoring of defect classes since the weldings of cylindrical pressure equipment are lengthened horizontally and vertically (cluster shapes lengthened along the axes). The EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm applied to a diagonal Gaussian mixture model provides a satisfactory solution but the real time constraints imposed in our problem make the application of this algorithm impossible if the number of points becomes too big. The solution that we propose is to use the CEM (Classification Expectation-Maximization) algorithm, which converges faster and generates comparable solutions in terms of resulting partition. The practical results on real data are very satisfactory from the experts point of view.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{hamdan_m06a,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mixture model approach for acoustic emission control of cylindrical pressure vessels},
month = {August},
journal = {Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology},
year = {2006},
volume = {128},
pages = {479-483}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Dimension reduction via block clustering</B></I>. 
  21st European Conference on Operational Research,&nbsp;
      Reykjavik, Island, 
      July 2-5, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m06a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Dimension reduction via block clustering},
booktitle = {21st European Conference on Operational Research},
address = {Reykjavik, Island},
month = {July 2-5},
year = {2006}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m06b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A review on Block clustering under the mixture approach</B></I>. 
  10th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS),&nbsp;
      Ljubljana, Slovenia, 
      July 25-29, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m06b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m06b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m06b,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A review on Block clustering under the mixture approach},
booktitle = {10th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)},
address = {Ljubljana, Slovenia},
month = {July 25-29},
year = {2006}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m06a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Sam&eacute;; C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Classification EM Algorithm for Binned Data</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 51, 
  Pages 466-480, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m06a','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m06a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_same_m06a” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: A real-time flaw diagnosis application for pressurized containers using acoustic emissions is described. The pressurized containers used are cylindrical tanks containing fluids under pressure. The surface of the pressurized containers is divided into bins, and the number of acoustic signals emanating from each bin is counted. Spatial clustering of high density bins using mixture models is used to detect flaws. A dedicated EM algorithm can be derived to select the mixture parameters, but this is a greedy algorithm since it requires the numerical computation of integrals and may converge only slowly. To deal with this problem, a classification version of theEM(CEM) algorithm is defined, and using synthetic and real data sets, the proposed algorithm is compared to the CEM algorithm applied to classical data. The two approaches generate comparable solutions in terms of the resulting partition if the histogram is sufficiently accurate, but the algorithm designed for binned data becomes faster when the number of available observations is large enough.</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m06a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{same_m06a,

author = {Sam{\'e}, A. and Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G. },
title = {A Classification {EM} Algorithm for Binned Data},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {2006},
volume = {51},
pages = {466-480}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“tessier_m06” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  D. Tessier; M. Schoenauer; C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering of Qualitative Data</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 6082, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('tessier_m06','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_tessier_m06” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{tessier_m06,

author = {Tessier, D. and Schoenauer, M. and Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering of Qualitative Data},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {December},
year = {2006},
number = {6082}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m05a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2005</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert &amp; F. Langrognet.
  <I><B>MIXMOD: a Software for Model-Based Clustering and Classification with Continuous and Categorical Data</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2005, 37ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Pau, France, 
      24-28 Mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m05a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Langrognet, F.},
title = {{MIXMOD}: a Software for Model-Based Clustering and Classification with Continuous and Categorical Data},
booktitle = {SFdS'2005, 37\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Pau, France},
month = {24-28 Mai},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m05b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Parsimonious Latent Class Models</B></I>. 
  3rd International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) world conference on Computational Statistics &amp; Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Limassol, Cyprus, 
      28-31 October, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m05b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m05b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m05b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Parsimonious Latent Class Models},
booktitle = {3rd International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) world conference on Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},
address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
month = {28-31 October},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m05c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert &amp; F. Lengrognet.
  <I><B>Model-based Cluster and Discriminant Analysis with the Mixmod Software</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 0302, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m05c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m05c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{biernacki_m05c,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Lengrognet, F.},
title = {Model-based Cluster and Discriminant Analysis with the Mixmod Software},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {January},
year = {2005},
number = {0302}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“gouget_m05a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Gouget &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique de donn&eacute;es ordinales et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2005, 37ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Pau, France, 
      24-28 Mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('gouget_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_gouget_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{gouget_m05a,

author = {Gouget, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique de donn{\'e}es ordinales et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange},
booktitle = {SFdS'2005, 37\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Pau, France},
month = {24-28 Mai},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m05a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Classification d'un tableau de contingence et mod&egrave;le probabiliste</B></I>. 
  RNTI-E-3, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information,&nbsp;
      Volume 1, 
  Pages 213-218, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m05a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Classification d'un tableau de contingence et mod{\`e}le probabiliste},
journal = {RNTI-E-3, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
year = {2005},
volume = {1},
pages = {213-218}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m05b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>An EM algorithm for the Block Mixture Model</B></I>. 
  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,&nbsp;
      Volume 27, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 643-647, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m05b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m05b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m05b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {An {EM} algorithm for the Block Mixture Model},
month = {April},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
year = {2005},
volume = {27},
number = {4},
pages = {643-647}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m05e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Clustering of contingency table with Poisson block mixture model</B></I>. 
  Classification and Data Analysis 2005 : Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society,&nbsp;
      6-8 June, 
  Pages 101-104, 
  Monte Universit&agrave; Parma, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m05e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m05e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m05e,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Clustering of contingency table with Poisson block mixture model},
booktitle = {Classification and Data Analysis 2005 : Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society},
address = {Parme},
month = {6-8 June},
publisher = {Monte Universit\`a Parma},
year = {2005},
pages = {101-104}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m05a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>WST mixture model strategy for pressure vessel control using acoustic emission</B></I>. 
  Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: automation, computers, electronics and mechatronic,&nbsp;
      Volume 2 (29), 
      Number 1, 
  Pages 43-51, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{hamdan_m05a,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {WST mixture model strategy for pressure vessel control using acoustic emission},
journal = {Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: automation, computers, electronics and mechatronic},
year = {2005},
volume = {2 (29)},
number = {1},
pages = {43-51}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m05b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mixture model clustering of uncertain data</B></I>. 
  IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems,&nbsp;
      Reno, Nevada, USA, 
      22-25 may, 
  Pages 879-884, 
 	  [<a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m05b','abstract')">Abstract</a>] 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m05b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“abs_hamdan_m05b” class=“abstract noshow”>

<td colspan="6"><b>Abstract</b>: This paper addresses the problem of fitting mixture densities to uncertain data using the EM algorithm. Uncertain data are modelled by multivariate uncertainty zones which constitute a generalization of multivariate interval-valued data. We develop an EM algorithm to treat uncertainty zones around points of Ropfp in order to estimate the parameters of a mixture model defined on Ropfp and obtain a fuzzy clustering or partition. This EM algorithm requires the evaluation of multidimensional integrals over each uncertainty zone at each iteration. In the diagonal Gaussian mixture model case, these integrals can be computed by simply using the one-dimensional normal cumulative distribution function. Results on simulated data indicate that the proposed algorithm can estimate the true underlying density better than the classical EM algorithm applied to the imprecise data, especially when the imprecision degree is high</td>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m05b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m05b,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mixture model clustering of uncertain data},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems},
address = {Reno, Nevada, USA},
month = {22-25 may},
year = {2005},
pages = {879-884}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m05a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering via the block GEM and two-way EM algorithms</B></I>. 
  The third ACS/IEEE International conference on Computer Systems and Applications, (in CD ISBN 0-7803-8735-X),&nbsp;
      Cairo, Egypt, 
      03-06 january, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m05a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Block clustering via the block {GEM} and two-way {EM} algorithms},
booktitle = {The third ACS/IEEE International conference on Computer Systems and Applications, (in CD ISBN 0-7803-8735-X)},
address = {Cairo, Egypt},
month = {03-06 january},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m05b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering with mixture model : Comparison between different approaches</B></I>. 
  AMSDA 2005 : International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      17-20 May, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m05b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m05b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m05b,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Block clustering with mixture model : Comparison between different approaches},
booktitle = {AMSDA 2005 : International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis},
address = {Brest},
month = {17-20 May},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m05c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering of contingency table and Mixture Model</B></I>. 
  Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Number 3646, 
  Pages 249-259, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m05c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m05c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m05c,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Block clustering of contingency table and Mixture Model},
booktitle = {Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
month = {September},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
number = {3646},
pages = {249-259}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m05d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Comparison Between Block CEM and Two-Way CEM Algorithm to Cluster a contingency table</B></I>. 
  Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI),&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Number 3721, 
  Pages 609-616, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m05d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m05d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m05d,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {A Comparison Between Block {CEM} and Two-Way {CEM} Algorithm to Cluster a contingency table},
booktitle = {Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
month = {September},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
number = {3721},
pages = {609-616}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m05e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>An EM algorithm for the Block Mixture Model of contingency table</B></I>. 
  3rd International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) world conference on Computational Statistics &amp; Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Limassol, Cyprus, 
      28-31 October, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m05e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m05e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m05e,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {An {EM} algorithm for the Block Mixture Model of contingency table},
booktitle = {3rd International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) world conference on Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},
address = {Limassol, Cyprus},
month = {28-31 October},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_05b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Same; G. Govaert &amp; C. Ambroise.
  <I><B>A mixture model-based on-line CEM algorithm</B></I>. 
  Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Number 3646, 
  Pages 373-384, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_05b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_05b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_05b,

author = {Same, A. and Govaert, G. and Ambroise, C.},
title = {A mixture model-based on-line {CEM} algorithm},
booktitle = {Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
month = {September},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
number = {3646},
pages = {373-384}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“sujka_m05a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  N. Sujka; G. Govaert &amp; C. Ambroise.
  <I><B>Interpretable Clustering via Model-Based Divisive Hierarchical Classification</B></I>. 
  29th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f&uuml;r Klassifikation),&nbsp;
      University of Magdeburg, Germany, 
      9-11 March, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('sujka_m05a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_sujka_m05a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{sujka_m05a,

author = {Sujka, N. and Govaert, G. and Ambroise, C.},
title = {Interpretable Clustering via Model-Based Divisive Hierarchical Classification},
booktitle = {29th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Klassifikation)},
address = {University of Magdeburg, Germany},
month = {9-11 March},
year = {2005}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m04a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2004</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange (conf&eacute;rence invit&eacute;e)</B></I>. 
  RFIA 2004, 14&egrave;me Congr&eacute;s Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Worshop Analyse de donn&eacute;es, Statistique et Apprentissage pour la Fouille d'Images,&nbsp;
      27-30 Janvier, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m04a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m04a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m04a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange (conf{\'e}rence invit{\'e}e)},
booktitle = {RFIA 2004, 14{\`e}me Congr{\'e}s Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Worshop Analyse de donn{\'e}es, Statistique et Apprentissage pour la Fouille d'Images},
address = {Toulouse},
month = {27-30 Janvier},
year = {2004}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m04a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>The fitting of binned data clustering to imprecise data</B></I>. 
  IEEE International conference on Information &amp; Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications,&nbsp;
      Damascus, Syria, 
      19-23 avril, 
  Pages 1-6, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m04a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m04a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m04a,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {The fitting of binned data clustering to imprecise data},
booktitle = {IEEE International conference on Information \& Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications},
address = {Damascus, Syria},
month = {19-23 avril},
year = {2004},
pages = {1-6}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m04b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>CEM algorithm for imprecise data. Application to flaw diagnostic using acoustic emission</B></I>. 
  IEEE International conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,&nbsp;
      The Hague, The Netherlands, 
      10-13 october, 
      Volume 5, 
  Pages 4774-4779, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m04b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m04b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m04b,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {{CEM} algorithm for imprecise data. Application to flaw diagnostic using acoustic emission},
booktitle = {IEEE International conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
address = {The Hague, The Netherlands},
month = {10-13 october},
year = {2004},
volume = {5},
pages = {4774-4779}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m04c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan; G. Govaert; C. Ambroise &amp; C. Herv&eacute;.
  <I><B>A mixture modele approach for acoustic emission control of pressure equipment</B></I>. 
  5th International Conference on Acoustical and Vibratory Surveillance Methods and Diagnostic techniques,&nbsp;
      Senlis, France, 
      11 - 13 october, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m04c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m04c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m04c,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G. and Ambroise, C. and Herv{\'e}, C.},
title = {A mixture modele approach for acoustic emission control of pressure equipment},
booktitle = {5th International Conference on Acoustical and Vibratory Surveillance Methods and Diagnostic techniques},
address = {Senlis, France},
month = {11 - 13 october},
year = {2004}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m04d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Int-EM-CEM algorithm for imprecise data. Comparison with the CEM algorithm using Monte Carlo simulations</B></I>. 
  IEEE International conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems,&nbsp;
      1-3 december, 
  Pages 410-415, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m04d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m04d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m04d,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Int-{EM}-{CEM} algorithm for imprecise data. Comparison with the {CEM} algorithm using Monte Carlo simulations},
booktitle = {IEEE International conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems},
address = {Singapore},
month = {1-3 december},
year = {2004},
pages = {410-415}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m04a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Another version of the Block EM algorithm</B></I>. 
  9th Conference of the International Federation of Classification (Chicago, USA 15-18 July): Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications,&nbsp;
      15-18 july, 
  Pages 69-76, 
  Springer Verlag, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m04a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m04a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m04a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Another version of the Block {EM} algorithm},
booktitle = {9th Conference of the International Federation of Classification (Chicago, USA 15-18 July): Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications},
address = {Berlin},
month = {15-18 july},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
year = {2004},
pages = {69-76}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m04b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif; F.-X. Jollois &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block Clustering for large continuous data sets</B></I>. 
  AISTA'2004, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications in cooperation with IEEE Computer Society, (in CD ISBN 2-9599776-8-8),&nbsp;
      15-18 November, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m04b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m04b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m04b,

author = {Nadif, M. and Jollois, F.-X. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Block Clustering for large continuous data sets},
booktitle = {AISTA'2004, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Theory and Applications in cooperation with IEEE Computer Society, (in CD ISBN 2-9599776-8-8)},
address = {Luxembourg},
month = {15-18 November},
year = {2004}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m04a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Same; C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique de donn&eacute;es s&eacute;quentielles et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2004, 36ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Montpellier, France, 
      24-28 Mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m04a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m04a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m04a,

author = {Same, A. and Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique de donn{\'e}es s{\'e}quentielles et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange},
booktitle = {SFdS'2004, 36\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Montpellier, France},
month = {24-28 Mai},
year = {2004}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m04b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Same; C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A mixture model approach for on-line clustering</B></I>. 
  Compstat 2004, Prodeedings of the 16th Computational Statistics symposium,&nbsp;
  Pages 1759-1766, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m04b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m04b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m04b,

author = {Same, A. and Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A mixture model approach for on-line clustering},
booktitle = {Compstat 2004, Prodeedings of the 16th Computational Statistics symposium},
month = {August},
publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
year = {2004},
pages = {1759-1766}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m03a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2003</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing starting values for the EM algorithm for getting the highest likelihood in multivariate Gaussian mixture models</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 41, 
  Pages 561-575, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m03a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m03a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m03a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Choosing starting values for the {EM} algorithm for getting the highest likelihood in multivariate Gaussian mixture models},
month = {January},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {2003},
volume = {41},
pages = {561-575}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m03b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux; G. Govaert; F. Langrognet; G. Moulin &amp; Y. Vernaz.
  <I><B>MIXMOD : un logiciel pour les mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange en classification et en analyse discriminante</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2003, XXXVieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Lyon, France, 
      2-6 Juin, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m03b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m03b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m03b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G. and Langrognet, F. and Moulin, G. and Vernaz, Y.},
title = {MIXMOD : un logiciel pour les mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange en classification et en analyse discriminante},
booktitle = {SFdS'2003, XXXV\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Lyon, France},
month = {2-6 Juin},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Clustering with block mixture models</B></I>. 
  Pattern Recognition,&nbsp;
      Volume 36, 
  Pages 463-473, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m03a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Clustering with block mixture models},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
year = {2003},
volume = {36},
pages = {463-473}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange</B></I>. 
  Analyse de donn&eacute;es,&nbsp;
  Pages 263-292, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @incollection{govaert_m03b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange},
booktitle = {Analyse de donn{\'e}es},
address = {Paris},
publisher = {Hermes},
year = {2003},
pages = {263-292}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Un algorithme EM pour le mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange crois&eacute; (conf&eacute;rence invit&eacute;e)</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2003, 35ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Lyon, France, 
      2-6 Juin, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Un algorithme {EM} pour le mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange crois{\'e} (conf{\'e}rence invit{\'e}e)},
booktitle = {SFdS'2003, 35\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Lyon, France},
month = {2-6 Juin},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification partiellement supervis&eacute;e (conf&eacute;rence invit&eacute;e)</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;e IS2 sur l'apprentissage statistique,&nbsp;
      Grenoble, France, 
      21 mars, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03d,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification partiellement supervis{\'e}e (conf{\'e}rence invit{\'e}e)},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}e IS2 sur l'apprentissage statistique},
address = {Grenoble, France},
month = {21 mars},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Les m&eacute;langes finis comme mod&egrave;le de classification</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;es Analyse de donn&eacute;es, statistiques et apprentissage,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03e,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Les m{\'e}langes finis comme mod{\`e}le de classification},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es Analyse de donn{\'e}es, statistiques et apprentissage},
address = {Paris},
month = {Avril},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03f” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Fuzzy clustering via block mixture models (invited)</B></I>. 
  JIM,2003, Fourth International Conference Journ&eacute;es de l'Informatique Messine,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03f','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03f” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03f,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Fuzzy clustering via block mixture models (invited)},
booktitle = {JIM,2003, Fourth International Conference Journ{\'e}es de l'Informatique Messine},
address = {Metz},
month = {Septembre},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03h” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et donn&eacute;es temporelles</B></I>. 
  s&eacute;minaire LEAD,&nbsp;
      Lisbonne, Portugal, 
      19 d&eacute;cembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03h','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03h” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03h,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et donn{\'e}es temporelles},
booktitle = {s{\'e}minaire LEAD},
address = {Lisbonne, Portugal},
month = {19 d{\'e}cembre},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03i” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  <I><B>Analyse de donn&eacute;es</B></I>. 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03i','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03i” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @book{govaert_m03i,,

title = {Analyse de donn{\'e}es},
address = {Paris},
publisher = {Hermes},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03j” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Block clustering and mixture models</B></I>. 
  s&eacute;minaire LEAD,&nbsp;
      Lisbonne, Portugal, 
      18 d&eacute;cembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03j','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03j” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m03j,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Block clustering and mixture models},
booktitle = {s{\'e}minaire LEAD},
address = {Lisbonne, Portugal},
month = {18 d{\'e}cembre},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m03k” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Analyse de donn&eacute;es</B></I>. 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m03k','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m03k” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @book{govaert_m03k,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Analyse de donn{\'e}es},
publisher = {Hermes},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m03a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification de donn&eacute;es de type intervalle via l'algorithme EM</B></I>. 
  SFdS'2003, 35ieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Lyon, France, 
      2-6 Juin, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m03a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m03a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m03a,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification de donn{\'e}es de type intervalle via l'algorithme {EM}},
booktitle = {SFdS'2003, 35\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Lyon, France},
month = {2-6 Juin},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“hamdan_m03b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  H. Hamdan &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&eacute;lisation et Classification des donn&eacute;es impr&eacute;cises</B></I>. 
  CIMNA 2003, Premier congr&egrave;s international sur les mod&eacute;lisations num&eacute;riques appliqu&eacute;es,&nbsp;
      Beyrouth, Liban, 
      14-15 novembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('hamdan_m03b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_hamdan_m03b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{hamdan_m03b,

author = {Hamdan, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod{\'e}lisation et Classification des donn{\'e}es impr{\'e}cises},
booktitle = {CIMNA 2003, Premier congr{\`e}s international sur les mod{\'e}lisations num{\'e}riques appliqu{\'e}es},
address = {Beyrouth, Liban},
month = {14-15 novembre},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“jollois_m03a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F.X. Jollois; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e sur des donn&eacute;es binaires de grande taille</B></I>. 
  Revue d'intelligence artificielle,&nbsp;
      Volume 17, 
  Pages 213-218, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('jollois_m03a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_jollois_m03a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{jollois_m03a,

author = {Jollois, F.X. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification crois{\'e}e sur des donn{\'e}es binaires de grande taille},
journal = {Revue d'intelligence artificielle},
year = {2003},
volume = {17},
pages = {213-218}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“jollois_m03b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F.X. Jollois; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e sur des donn&eacute;es binaires de grande taille</B></I>. 
  EGC'2003, Journ&eacute;es francophones d'extraction et de gestion des connaissances,&nbsp;
      22-24 Janvier, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('jollois_m03b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_jollois_m03b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{jollois_m03b,

author = {Jollois, F.X. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification crois{\'e}e sur des donn{\'e}es binaires de grande taille},
booktitle = {EGC'2003, Journ{\'e}es francophones d'extraction et de gestion des connaissances},
address = {Lyon},
month = {22-24 Janvier},
year = {2003}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m03” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Same; C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A mixture model approach for binned data clustering</B></I>. 
  Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V. Proceedings 5th Int. Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis IDA 2003,&nbsp;
      Berlin Heidelberg, 
      Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 
      Volume 2810, 
  Pages 265-274, 
  Springer-VerlagKluwer Academic Publisher, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m03','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m03” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m03,

author = {Same, A. and Ambroise, C. and and Govaert, G.},
title = {A mixture model approach for binned data clustering},
booktitle = {Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V. Proceedings 5th Int. Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis IDA 2003},
address = {Berlin Heidelberg},
publisher = {Springer-VerlagKluwer Academic Publisher},
year = {2003},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2810},
pages = {265-274}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m02” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2002</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Mixture Model Approach to Datacube Clustering (Invited)</B></I>. 
  26th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f&uuml;r Klassifikation),&nbsp;
      University of Mannheim, Germany, 
      July 22-24, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m02','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m02” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m02,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Mixture Model Approach to Datacube Clustering (Invited)},
booktitle = {26th Annual GFKL (Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Klassifikation)},
address = {University of Mannheim, Germany},
month = {July 22-24},
year = {2002}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m02b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange crois&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  SFC'2002, IXiemes Rencontres de la soci&eacute;t&eacute; francophone de Classification,&nbsp;
      16-18 Septembre, 
  Pages 55-61, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m02b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m02b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m02b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange crois{\'e}e},
booktitle = {SFC'2002, IX\iemes Rencontres de la soci{\'e}t{\'e} francophone de Classification},
address = {Toulouse},
month = {16-18 Septembre},
year = {2002},
pages = {55-61}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m02c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Block Clustering on continuous data</B></I>. 
  Workshop on Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Application, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining,&nbsp;
      Arlington, USA, 
      11-13 Avril, 
  Pages 7-16, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m02c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m02c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m02c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Block Clustering on continuous data},
booktitle = {Workshop on Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Application, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining},
address = {Arlington, USA},
month = {11-13 Avril},
year = {2002},
pages = {7-16}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m02d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Simultaneous Clustering on Continuous data and Statistical Modelling</B></I>. 
  4th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences,&nbsp;
      Casablanca, Morocco, 
      23-25 October, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m02d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m02d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m02d,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Simultaneous Clustering on Continuous data and Statistical Modelling},
booktitle = {4th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences},
address = {Casablanca, Morocco},
month = {23-25 October},
year = {2002}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“jollois_m02” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F.X. Jollois; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Assessing the Number of Clusters of the Latent Class Model</B></I>. 
  Classification, Clustering, and Data Analysis: Recent Advances and Applications, 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification,&nbsp;
      Cracow, Poland, 
       16-19 july, 
  Pages 139-146, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('jollois_m02','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_jollois_m02” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{jollois_m02,

author = {Jollois, F.X. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Assessing the Number of Clusters of the Latent Class Model},
booktitle = {Classification, Clustering, and Data Analysis: Recent Advances and Applications, 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification},
address = {Cracow, Poland},
month = { 16-19 july},
year = {2002},
pages = {139-146}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“morizet_m02” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  P. Morizet-Mahoudeaux; G. Govaert; P. Trigano &amp; C. Ambroise.
  <I><B>Parcours Adaptatif &agrave; Temps Choisi</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;e Apprentissage et Interfaces Homme Machines, Coll&egrave;ge Apprentissage, Fouille et Extraction (CAFE),&nbsp;
      Institut Henri Poincar&eacute;, Paris, 
      05 mars, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('morizet_m02','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_morizet_m02” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{morizet_m02,

author = {Morizet-Mahoudeaux, P. and Govaert, G. and Trigano, P. and Ambroise, C.},
title = {Parcours Adaptatif \`a Temps Choisi},
booktitle = {Journ\'ee Apprentissage et Interfaces Homme Machines, Coll\`ege Apprentissage, Fouille et Extraction (CAFE)},
address = {Institut Henri Poincar\'e, Paris},
month = {05 mars},
year = {2002}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m02a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Parameters Estimation of Block Mixture models</B></I>. 
  Compstat 2002, 15th International Conference on Computational Statistics,&nbsp;
      Berlin, Germany, 
      24-28 August, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m02a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m02a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m02a,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Parameters Estimation of Block Mixture models},
booktitle = {Compstat 2002, 15th International Conference on Computational Statistics},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
month = {24-28 August},
year = {2002}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m02b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif; G. Govaert &amp; F.X. Jollois.
  <I><B>A Hybrid Method for Identifying Homogenous Blocks in Large Data Sets</B></I>. 
  Second Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochastic Risk Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability,&nbsp;
      Chamonix, France, 
      16-19 September, 
  Pages 324-333, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m02b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m02b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m02b,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. and Jollois, F.X.},
title = {A Hybrid Method for Identifying Homogenous Blocks in Large Data Sets},
booktitle = {Second Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochastic Risk Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability},
address = {Chamonix, France},
month = {16-19 September},
year = {2002},
pages = {324-333}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“same_m02” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Same &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Algorithme CEM pour les donn&eacute;es sous forme d'histogramme</B></I>. 
  ASU'2002, XXXIVieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Bruxelles, Belgique, 
      13-17 mai, 
  Pages 338-339, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('same_m02','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_same_m02” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{same_m02,

author = {Same, A. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Algorithme {CEM} pour les donn{\'e}es sous forme d'histogramme},
booktitle = {ASU'2002, XXXIV\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Bruxelles, Belgique},
month = {13-17 mai},
year = {2002},
pages = {338-339}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m01a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2001</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Mixture Model Approach for Classifying Doubtful labeled Data</B></I>. 
  Mixtures 2001,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m01a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m01a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m01a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Mixture Model Approach for Classifying Doubtful labeled Data},
booktitle = {Mixtures 2001},
address = {Hamburg},
month = {July},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m01b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise; T. Den&#339;ux; G. Govaert &amp; P. Smets.
  <I><B>Learning from an Imprecise Teacher: Probabilistic and Evidential Approaches</B></I>. 
  ASMDA 2001 : International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m01b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m01b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m01b,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Den{\oe}ux, T. and Govaert, G. and Smets, P.},
title = {Learning from an Imprecise Teacher: Probabilistic and Evidential Approaches},
booktitle = {ASMDA 2001 : International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis},
month = {June},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m01c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering and Models</B></I>. 
  Classification, Automation and New Media,&nbsp;
  Pages 3-16, 
  Springer Verlag, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m01c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m01c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @incollection{ambroise_m01c,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering and Models},
booktitle = {Classification, Automation and New Media},
address = {Berlin},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
year = {2001},
pages = {3-16}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m01” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Strategies for Getting the Highest Likelihood in Mixture Models</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 4255, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m01','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m01” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{biernacki_m01,

author = {C. Biernacki and G. Celeux and G. Govaert},
title = {Strategies for Getting the Highest Likelihood in Mixture Models},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {September},
year = {2001},
number = {4255}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m01a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Les m&eacute;langes finis comme mod&egrave;le de classification</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;es INRIA IS2,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m01a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m01a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m01a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Les m{\'e}langes finis comme mod{\`e}le de classification},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es INRIA IS2},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {Mars},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m01b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; G. Celeux.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange sur variable qualitatives et binaires</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;es INRIA IS2,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m01b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m01b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m01b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Celeux, G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange sur variable qualitatives et binaires},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es INRIA IS2},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {Mars},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m01c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique et m&eacute;lange pour le diagnostic</B></I>. 
  journ&eacute;e analyse de donn&eacute;es et diagnostic,&nbsp;
      18 mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m01c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m01c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m01c,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique et m{\'e}lange pour le diagnostic},
booktitle = {journ{\'e}e analyse de donn{\'e}es et diagnostic},
address = {Paris},
month = {18 mai},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m01d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange pour les donn&eacute;es spatiales</B></I>. 
  s&eacute;minaire de l'Institut Pierre Simon Laplace,&nbsp;
      28 mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m01d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m01d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m01d,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange pour les donn{\'e}es spatiales},
booktitle = {s{\'e}minaire de l'Institut Pierre Simon Laplace},
address = {Paris},
month = {28 mai},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m01e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange et cartes de Kohonen</B></I>. 
  s&eacute;minaire M&eacute;thodes Neuronales,&nbsp;
      Institut Henri Poincar&eacute;, Paris, 
      25 Octobre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m01e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m01e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m01e,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange et cartes de Kohonen},
booktitle = {s{\'e}minaire M{\'e}thodes Neuronales},
address = {Institut Henri Poincar{\'e}, Paris},
month = {25 Octobre},
year = {2001}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m00a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>2000</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mixture Models and Clustering (Invited)</B></I>. 
  24th Annual GfKl (Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation),&nbsp;
      University of Passau, Germany, 
      March 15-17, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m00a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m00a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m00a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mixture Models and Clustering (Invited)},
booktitle = {24th Annual GfKl (Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation)},
address = {University of Passau, Germany},
month = {March 15-17},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m00b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>EM Algorithm for Partially Known Labels</B></I>. 
  Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-2000), University of Namur, Belgium,&nbsp;
      11-14 July, 
  Pages 161-166, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m00b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m00b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m00b,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {{EM} Algorithm for Partially Known Labels},
booktitle = {Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-2000), University of Namur, Belgium},
address = {Berlin},
month = {11-14 July},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2000},
pages = {161-166}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m00c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering by Maximizing a Fuzzy Classification Maximum Likelihood Criterion</B></I>. 
  Compstat 2000, Prodeedings in Computational Statistics, 14th Symposium held in Utrecht, The Netherlands,&nbsp;
      21-25 August, 
  Pages 186-192, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m00c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m00c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m00c,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering by Maximizing a Fuzzy Classification Maximum Likelihood Criterion},
booktitle = {Compstat 2000, Prodeedings in Computational Statistics, 14th Symposium held in Utrecht, The Netherlands},
address = {Heidelberg},
month = {21-25 August},
year = {2000},
pages = {186-192}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m00a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood</B></I>. 
  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,&nbsp;
      Volume 22, 
      Number 7, 
  Pages 719-725, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m00a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m00a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m00a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood},
month = {July},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
year = {2000},
volume = {22},
number = {7},
pages = {719-725}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m00b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Strat&eacute;gies algorithmiques pour maximiser la vraisemblance dans les mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange</B></I>. 
  ASU'2000, XXXIIieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Fez, Maroc, 
      15-19 mai, 
  Pages 140-143, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m00b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m00b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m00b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Strat{\'e}gies algorithmiques pour maximiser la vraisemblance dans les mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange},
booktitle = {ASU'2000, XXXII\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Fez, Maroc},
month = {15-19 mai},
year = {2000},
pages = {140-143}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m00c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Strategies for Getting Likelihood in Mixture Models</B></I>. 
  JSM 2000,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m00c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m00c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m00c,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Strategies for Getting Likelihood in Mixture Models},
booktitle = {JSM 2000},
address = {Indianapolis},
month = {August},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m00d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Strategies for Getting Likelihood in Mixture Models</B></I>. 
  Workshop Franco-Portugais sur la classification,&nbsp;
      21-22 September, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m00d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m00d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m00d,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Strategies for Getting Likelihood in Mixture Models},
booktitle = {Workshop Franco-Portugais sur la classification},
address = {Paris},
month = {21-22 September},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“carreira-perpinan_00” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M.&Aacute;. Carreira-Perpi&ntilde;&aacute;n &amp; S. Renals.
  <I><B>Practical identifiability of finite mixtures of multivariate Bernoulli distributions</B></I>. 
  Neural Computation,&nbsp;
      Volume 12, 
      Number 1, 
  Pages 141-152, 
  MIT Press, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('carreira-perpinan_00','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_carreira-perpinan_00” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{carreira-perpinan_00,

author = {Carreira-Perpi{\~n}{\'a}n, M.{\'A}. and Renals, S.},
title = {Practical identifiability of finite mixtures of multivariate Bernoulli distributions},
journal = {Neural Computation},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = {2000},
volume = {12},
number = {1},
pages = {141--152}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“chickering_00” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  D.M. Chickering &amp; D. Heckerman.
  <I><B>A comparison of scientific and engineering criteria for Bayesian model selection</B></I>. 
  Statistics and Computing,&nbsp;
      Volume 10, 
      Number 1, 
  Pages 55-62, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('chickering_00','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_chickering_00” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{chickering_00,

author = {Chickering, D.M. and Heckerman, D.},
title = {A comparison of scientific and engineering criteria for Bayesian model selection},
journal = {Statistics and Computing},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2000},
volume = {10},
number = {1},
pages = {55--62}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m00a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange - Application aux donn&eacute;es spatiales</B></I>. 
  Revue Internationale de g&eacute;omatique, European Journal of GIS and Spatial Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 9, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 457-470, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m00a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m00a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m00a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange - Application aux donn{\'e}es spatiales},
journal = {Revue Internationale de g{\'e}omatique, European Journal of GIS and Spatial Analysis},
year = {2000},
volume = {9},
number = {4},
pages = {457-470}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m00b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange - Application aux donn&eacute;es spatiales</B></I>. 
  Journ&eacute;es Data Mining et Analyse du risque,&nbsp;
      24-25 F&eacute;vrier, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m00b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m00b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m00b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange - Application aux donn{\'e}es spatiales},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es Data Mining et Analyse du risque},
address = {Versailles},
month = {24-25 F{\'e}vrier},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m00c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification de donn&eacute;es temporelles</B></I>. 
  Workshop Franco-Portugais sur la classification,&nbsp;
      21-22 September, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m00c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m00c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m00c,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification de donn{\'e}es temporelles},
booktitle = {Workshop Franco-Portugais sur la classification},
address = {Paris},
month = {21-22 September},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m00d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification et Mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange ; application aux donn&eacute;es spatiales</B></I>. 
  s&eacute;minaire LEAD,&nbsp;
      Lisbonne, Portugal, 
      30 Novembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m00d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m00d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m00d,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification et Mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange ; application aux donn{\'e}es spatiales},
booktitle = {s{\'e}minaire LEAD},
address = {Lisbonne, Portugal},
month = {30 Novembre},
year = {2000}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“putz_m00” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Putz &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange Gaussien et qualit&eacute; des mesures</B></I>. 
  ASU'2000, XXXIIieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Fez, Maroc, 
      15-19 mai, 
  Pages 645-648, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('putz_m00','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_putz_m00” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{putz_m00,

author = {Putz, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange Gaussien et qualit{\'e} des mesures},
booktitle = {ASU'2000, XXXII\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Fez, Maroc},
month = {15-19 mai},
year = {2000},
pages = {645-648}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m99” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1999</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification spatiale utilisant des &eacute;chantillons partiellement class&eacute;s</B></I>. 
  ASU'99, XXXIieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  Pages 407-410, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m99','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m99” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m99,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification spatiale utilisant des {\'e}chantillons partiellement class{\'e}s},
booktitle = {ASU'99, XXXI\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {mai},
year = {1999},
pages = {407-410}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m99a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki; G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>An improvement of the NEC criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model</B></I>. 
  Pattern Recognition Letters,&nbsp;
      Volume 20, 
  Pages 267-272, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m99a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m99a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m99a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and G. Celeux and G. Govaert},
title = {An improvement of the NEC criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1999},
volume = {20},
pages = {267-272}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m99b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing Models in Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis</B></I>. 
  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,&nbsp;
      Volume 64, 
  Pages 49-71, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m99b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m99b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m99b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and G. Govaert},
title = {Choosing Models in Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
year = {1999},
volume = {64},
pages = {49-71}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“bzioui_m99a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Bzioui; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange crois&eacute;, estimation et classification</B></I>. 
  ASU'99, XXXIieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  Pages 107-110, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bzioui_m99a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_bzioui_m99a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{bzioui_m99a,

author = {Bzioui, M. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange crois{\'e}, estimation et classification},
booktitle = {ASU'99, XXXI\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {mai},
year = {1999},
pages = {107-110}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“bzioui_m99b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Bzioui; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>M&eacute;langes de Bernoulli et Gaussiens dans la classification crois&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  SFC-99, 7e journ&eacute;es de Classification,&nbsp;
  Pages 165-172, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bzioui_m99b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_bzioui_m99b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{bzioui_m99b,

author = {Bzioui, M. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {M{\'e}langes de Bernoulli et Gaussiens dans la classification crois{\'e}e},
booktitle = {SFC-99, 7e journ{\'e}es de Classification},
address = {Nancy},
month = {Septembre},
year = {1999},
pages = {165-172}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m99a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering of Spatial Incomplete Data Using a Fuzzy Classifying Likelihood</B></I>. 
  14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,&nbsp;
      Graz (Austria), 
      July, 19-23, 
  Pages 150-157, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m99a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m99a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m99a,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering of Spatial Incomplete Data Using a Fuzzy Classifying Likelihood},
booktitle = {14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling},
address = {Graz (Austria)},
month = {July, 19-23},
year = {1999},
pages = {150-157}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m99b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering of Spatial by Optimizing a Fuzzy Classifying Likelihood</B></I>. 
  Second European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems,&nbsp;
      Pavia (Italy), 
      14 - 18 September, 
  Pages 78-81, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m99b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m99b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m99b,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering of Spatial by Optimizing a Fuzzy Classifying Likelihood},
booktitle = {Second European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems},
address = {Pavia (Italy)},
month = {14 - 18 September},
year = {1999},
pages = {78-81}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m99” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange, conf&eacute;rence invit&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  ASU'99, XXXIieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  Pages 99-102, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m99','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m99” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m99,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange, conf{\'e}rence invit{\'e}e},
booktitle = {ASU'99, XXXI\ieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {mai},
year = {1999},
pages = {99-102}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“lambert_m99” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Lambert; M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Generating validity regions using markovian spatial clustering</B></I>. 
  9-th Int. conf. on Advanced Robotics,&nbsp;
      Tokyo (Japan), 
  Pages 369-374, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('lambert_m99','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_lambert_m99” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{lambert_m99,

author = {Lambert, A. and Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Generating validity regions using markovian spatial clustering},
booktitle = {9-th Int. conf. on Advanced Robotics},
address = {Tokyo (Japan)},
year = {1999},
pages = {369-374}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m98” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1998</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Convergence of an EM-type algorithm for spatial clustering</B></I>. 
  Pattern Recognition Letters,&nbsp;
      Volume 19, 
  Pages 919-927, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m98','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m98” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{ambroise_m98,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Convergence of an {EM}-type algorithm for spatial clustering},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1998},
volume = {19},
pages = {919-927}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m98a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing Models in Model-based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 3509, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m98a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m98a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{biernacki_m98a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Choosing Models in Model-based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {October},
year = {1998},
number = {3509}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m98b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Biernacki, C.and Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Classification Likelihood</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 3521, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m98b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m98b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{biernacki_m98b,

author = {Biernacki, C.and Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Classification Likelihood},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {October},
year = {1998},
number = {3521}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“bzioui_m98” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Bzioui; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e et mod&egrave;le</B></I>. 
  ASU'98, XXXieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  Pages 86-88, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('bzioui_m98','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_bzioui_m98” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{bzioui_m98,

author = {Bzioui, M. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification crois{\'e}e et mod{\`e}le},
booktitle = {ASU'98, XXXieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Rennes},
month = {mai},
year = {1998},
pages = {86-88}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m98a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Fuzzy Clustering of Spatial Binary Data</B></I>. 
      Volume 34, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 393-398, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m98a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m98a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{dang_m98a,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Fuzzy Clustering of Spatial Binary Data},
journal = {Kybernetika},
year = {1998},
volume = {34},
number = {4},
pages = {393-398}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m98b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Spatial Fuzzy Clustering using EM and Markov Random Fields</B></I>. 
  International Journal of System Research and Information Science,&nbsp;
      Volume 8, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 183-202, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m98b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m98b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{dang_m98b,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Spatial Fuzzy Clustering using {EM} and Markov Random Fields},
journal = {International Journal of System Research and Information Science},
year = {1998},
volume = {8},
number = {4},
pages = {183-202}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m98c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique de donn&eacute;es spatiales incompl&egrave;tes</B></I>. 
  ASU'98, XXXieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  Pages 153-155, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m98c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m98c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m98c,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique de donn{\'e}es spatiales incompl{\`e}tes},
booktitle = {ASU'98, XXXieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Rennes},
month = {mai},
year = {1998},
pages = {153-155}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m98d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Clustering for Spatial Data: Evaluating Different Strategies</B></I>. 
  IFCS-98, 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,&nbsp;
      21-24 July, 
  Pages 96-99, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m98d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m98d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m98d,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Clustering for Spatial Data: Evaluating Different Strategies},
booktitle = {IFCS-98, 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies},
address = {R\^ome},
month = {21-24 July},
year = {1998},
pages = {96-99}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m98e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Spatial Clustering Techniques: an Experimental Comparison</B></I>. 
  COMPSTAT 1998,&nbsp;
      Bristol (England), 
      24-28 August, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m98e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m98e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m98e,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Spatial Clustering Techniques: an Experimental Comparison},
booktitle = {COMPSTAT 1998},
address = {Bristol (England)},
month = {24-28 August},
year = {1998}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m98a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification Automatique et mod&egrave;le de m&eacute;lange</B></I>. 
  SFC-98, 6e journ&eacute;es de Classification,&nbsp;
      21-23 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m98a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m98a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m98a,

author = {G. Govaert},
title = {Classification Automatique et mod{\`e}le de m{\'e}lange},
booktitle = {SFC-98, 6e journ{\'e}es de Classification},
address = {Montpellier},
month = {21-23 Septembre},
year = {1998}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m98” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering for binary data and mixture models: Choice of the model</B></I>. 
  Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 13, 
  Pages 269-278, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m98','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m98” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{nadif_m98,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering for binary data and mixture models: Choice of the model},
journal = {Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis},
year = {1998},
volume = {13},
pages = {269-278}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m97a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1997</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise; M. V. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering of Spatial Data by The EM Algorithm</B></I>. 
  Geostatistics for Environmental Applications,&nbsp;
      Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, 
      Volume 9, 
  Pages 493-504, 
  Kluwer Academic Publisher, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m97a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m97a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @incollection{ambroise_m97a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Dang, M. V. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering of Spatial Data by The {EM} Algorithm},
booktitle = {Geostatistics for Environmental Applications},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publisher},
year = {1997},
series = {Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics},
volume = {9},
pages = {493-504}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m97b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  A. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Spatial Clustering Based on Both Classified and Unclassified Observations</B></I>. 
  10th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography,&nbsp;
      Rostock, Germany, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m97b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m97b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m97b,

author = {Ambroise, A. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Spatial Clustering Based on Both Classified and Unclassified Observations},
booktitle = {10th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography},
address = {Rostock, Germany},
month = {September},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m97a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Using the classification likelihood to choose the number of clusters</B></I>. 
  Computing Science and Statistics,&nbsp;
      Volume 29, 
      Number 2, 
  Pages 451-457, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m97a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m97a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{biernacki_m97a,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Using the classification likelihood to choose the number of clusters},
journal = {Computing Science and Statistics},
year = {1997},
volume = {29},
number = {2},
pages = {451-457}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m97b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Using the classification likelihood to choose the number of clusters</B></I>. 
  Second World Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing,&nbsp;
      Pasadena, USA, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m97b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m97b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m97b,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Using the classification likelihood to choose the number of clusters},
booktitle = {Second World Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing},
address = {Pasadena, USA},
month = {February},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m97c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing Gaussian Models in Discriminant Analysis</B></I>. 
  IV International Meeting of Multidimensional Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Bilbao, Spain, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m97c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m97c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m97c,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Choosing Gaussian Models in Discriminant Analysis},
booktitle = {IV International Meeting of Multidimensional Data Analysis},
address = {Bilbao, Spain},
month = {September},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m97” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux; C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Choosing models in model-based clustering and discriminant analysis</B></I>. 
      Anaheim, USA, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m97','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m97” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m97,

author = {Celeux, G. and Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Choosing models in model-based clustering and discriminant analysis},
booktitle = {JSM'97},
address = {Anaheim, USA},
month = {August},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m97a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Fuzzy Clustering of Spatial Binary Data</B></I>. 
  Worshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m97a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m97a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m97a,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Fuzzy Clustering of Spatial Binary Data},
booktitle = {Worshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition},
address = {Prague},
month = {June},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“dang_m97b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique de donn&eacute;es spatiales binaires</B></I>. 
  XXIXieme journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('dang_m97b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_dang_m97b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{dang_m97b,

author = {Dang, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique de donn{\'e}es spatiales binaires},
booktitle = {XXIXieme journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Carcassonne},
month = {mai},
year = {1997}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“denoeux_m97” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  T. Denoeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Un algorithme de classification automatique non param&eacute;trique</B></I>. 
  Compte rendus de l'Acad&eacute;mie des Sciences, S&eacute;rie 1: Math&eacute;matique,&nbsp;
      Volume 324, 
      Number 6, 
  Pages 673-678, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('denoeux_m97','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_denoeux_m97” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{denoeux_m97,

author = {Denoeux, T. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Un algorithme de classification automatique non param{\'e}trique},
journal = {Compte rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences, S{\'e}rie 1: Math{\'e}matique},
year = {1997},
volume = {324},
number = {6},
pages = {673-678}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m96a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1996</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Constrained Clustering and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps</B></I>. 
  Journal of Classification,&nbsp;
      Volume 13, 
      Number 2, 
  Pages 299-313, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m96a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m96a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{ambroise_m96a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Constrained Clustering and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps},
journal = {Journal of Classification},
year = {1996},
volume = {13},
number = {2},
pages = {299-313}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m96b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Analyzing Dissimilarity Matrices via Kohonen Maps</B></I>. 
  IFCS-96, 5th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,&nbsp;
      Kobe (Japan), 
      27-30 Mars, 
      Volume 2, 
  Pages 96-99, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m96b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m96b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m96b,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Analyzing Dissimilarity Matrices via Kohonen Maps},
booktitle = {IFCS-96, 5th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies},
address = {Kobe (Japan)},
month = {27-30 Mars},
year = {1996},
volume = {2},
pages = {96-99}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m96c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise; M. V. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering of spatial data by the EM algorithm</B></I>. 
  Model-Based Clustering and Spatial Process Workshop,&nbsp;
      Seattle, USA, 
  Pages 263-272, 
  University of Washington, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m96c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m96c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m96c,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Dang, M. V. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering of spatial data by the {EM} algorithm},
booktitle = {Model-Based Clustering and Spatial Process Workshop},
address = {Seattle, USA},
month = {July},
publisher = {University of Washington},
year = {1996},
pages = {263-272}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m96d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise; M. V. Dang &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering of spatial data by the EM algorithm</B></I>. 
  GeoENV-96, 1st European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Application,&nbsp;
      Lisbonne (Portugal), 
  Pages 20-22, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m96d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m96d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m96d,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Dang, M. V. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering of spatial data by the {EM} algorithm},
booktitle = {GeoENV-96, 1st European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Application},
address = {Lisbonne (Portugal)},
month = {November},
year = {1996},
pages = {20-22}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m96” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Comparaison de crit&egrave;res en classification pour la d&eacute;tection de mod&egrave;les gaussiens parcimonieux</B></I>. 
  7ieme Journees de la Soci&eacute;t&eacute; Francophone de Classification,&nbsp;
  Pages 7-10, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m96','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m96” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m96,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Comparaison de crit{\`e}res en classification pour la d{\'e}tection de mod{\`e}les gaussiens parcimonieux},
booktitle = {7ieme Journees de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Francophone de Classification},
address = {Vannes},
month = {Septembre},
year = {1996},
pages = {7-10}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“denoeux_m96” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  T. Denoeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Combined supervised and unsupervised learning for system diagnosis using Dempster-Shafer theory</B></I>. 
  CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference, Computational Engineering in Systems Applications. Symposium on Control, Optimization and Supervision,&nbsp;
      July 9-12, 
      Volume 1, 
  Pages 104-109, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('denoeux_m96','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_denoeux_m96” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{denoeux_m96,

author = {Denoeux, T. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Combined supervised and unsupervised learning for system diagnosis using Dempster-Shafer theory},
booktitle = {CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference, Computational Engineering in Systems Applications. Symposium on Control, Optimization and Supervision},
address = {Lille},
month = {July 9-12},
year = {1996},
volume = {1},
pages = {104-109}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m96a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; N. Nadif.
  <I><B>Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis when data are binary</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 23, 
  Pages 65-81, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m96a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m96a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m96a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, N.},
title = {Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis when data are binary},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {1996},
volume = {23},
pages = {65-81}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m96b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Analyse des donn&eacute;es multidimensionnelles by H. Rouanet et B. Le Roux (Book review)</B></I>. 
  Journal of Classification,&nbsp;
      Volume 13, 
      Number 1, 
  Pages 173-174, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m96b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m96b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m96b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Analyse des donn{\'e}es multidimensionnelles by H. Rouanet et B. Le Roux (Book review)},
journal = {Journal of Classification},
year = {1996},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
pages = {173-174}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m96” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif; F. Marchetti &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Approche vraisemblance et vraisemblance classifiante en classification de donn&eacute;es qualitatives</B></I>. 
  XXVIII &egrave;mes Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Quebec (Canada), 
      27-30 mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m96','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m96” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{nadif_m96,

author = {Nadif, M. and Marchetti, F. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Approche vraisemblance et vraisemblance classifiante en classification de donn{\'e}es qualitatives},
booktitle = {XXVIII {\`e}mes Journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Quebec (Canada)},
month = {27-30 mai},
year = {1996}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m95a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1995</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G Govaert.
  <I><B>Contiguity Constraints and the EM algorithm</B></I>. 
  International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling,&nbsp;
      Aussois (France), 
      17-21 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m95a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m95a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m95a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G},
title = {Contiguity Constraints and the {EM} algorithm},
booktitle = {International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling},
address = {Aussois (France)},
month = {17-21 Septembre},
year = {1995}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m95b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Self-Organisation for Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering</B></I>. 
  Proceeding of ICANN1995,&nbsp;
      Volume 1, 
  Pages 425-430, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m95b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m95b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m95b,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Self-Organisation for Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering},
booktitle = {Proceeding of ICANN1995},
address = {Paris},
month = {Octobre},
year = {1995},
volume = {1},
pages = {425-430}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“biernacki_m95” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Biernacki &amp; G Govaert.
  <I><B>Penalized Criterion and Model Selection for Clustering</B></I>. 
  International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling,&nbsp;
      Aussois (France), 
      17-21 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('biernacki_m95','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_biernacki_m95” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{biernacki_m95,

author = {Biernacki, C. and Govaert, G},
title = {Penalized Criterion and Model Selection for Clustering},
booktitle = {International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling},
address = {Aussois (France)},
month = {17-21 Septembre},
year = {1995}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m95” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models</B></I>. 
  Pattern Recognition,&nbsp;
      Volume 28, 
      Number 5, 
  Pages 781-793, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m95','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m95” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{celeux_m95,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
year = {1995},
volume = {28},
number = {5},
pages = {781-793}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m95a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Simultaneous Clustering of Rows and Columns</B></I>. 
  Control and Cybernetics ,&nbsp;
      Volume 24, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 437-458, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m95a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m95a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m95a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Simultaneous Clustering of Rows and Columns},
journal = {Control and Cybernetics },
year = {1995},
volume = {24},
number = {4},
pages = {437-458}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m95b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  J. Fechtenbaum; C. Roux; G Govaert; M. Dougados &amp; B. Amor.
  <I><B>Comparaison des param&egrave;tres morphom&eacute;triques dans les populations europ&eacute;ennes</B></I>. 
  Revue du Rhumatisme, 62e ann&eacute;e,&nbsp;
      Volume 10, 
      Number abstract B124, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m95b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m95b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m95b,

author = {Fechtenbaum, J. and Roux, C. and Govaert, G and Dougados, M. and Amor, B.},
title = {Comparaison des param{\`e}tres morphom{\'e}triques dans les populations europ{\'e}ennes},
journal = {Revue du Rhumatisme, 62e ann{\'e}e},
year = {1995},
volume = {10},
number = {abstract B124}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m95c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Clustering for binary data and mixture models. Choice of the model</B></I>. 
  7th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Dublin (Irlande), 
      12-15 Juin, 
  Pages 430-439,, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m95c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m95c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m95c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Clustering for binary data and mixture models. Choice of the model},
booktitle = {7th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis},
address = {Dublin (Irlande)},
month = {12-15 Juin},
year = {1995},
pages = {430-439,}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m95d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models</B></I>. 
  International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling,&nbsp;
      Aussois (France), 
      17-21 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m95d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m95d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m95d,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models},
booktitle = {International Workshop on statistical Mixture Modelling},
address = {Aussois (France)},
month = {17-21 Septembre},
year = {1995}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m95e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Van Dang.
  <I><B>Classification et mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;lange, m&eacute;thode de d&eacute;tection du mod&egrave;le sous-jacent</B></I>. 
  3e Journ&eacute;es de la Soci&eacute;t&eacute; Francophones de Classification,&nbsp;
      Namur (Belgique), 
      28-29 Septembre, 
  Pages 12-13, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m95e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m95e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m95e,

author = {Govaert, G. and Van Dang, M.},
title = {Classification et mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange, m{\'e}thode de d{\'e}tection du mod{\`e}le sous-jacent},
booktitle = {3e Journ{\'e}es de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Francophones de Classification},
address = {Namur (Belgique)},
month = {28-29 Septembre},
year = {1995},
pages = {12-13}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m94a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1994</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mapping Water Preserving Quality with Topology Preserving Algorithmms</B></I>. 
  Conference on Environmetrics,&nbsp;
      Burlington (Canada), 
      12-15 August, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m94a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m94a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m94a,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Mapping Water Preserving Quality with Topology Preserving Algorithmms},
booktitle = {Conference on Environmetrics},
address = {Burlington (Canada)},
month = {12-15 August},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“ambroise_m94b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  C. Ambroise &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Une Interpr&eacute;tation des Cartes Auto-organisatrices de Kohonen via l'Algorithme EM </B></I>. 
  Secondes Rencontres de la Soci&eacute;t&eacute; Francophone de Classification,&nbsp;
      Tours (France), 
      12-13 Septembre, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('ambroise_m94b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_ambroise_m94b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{ambroise_m94b,

author = {Ambroise, C. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Une Interpr{\'e}tation des Cartes Auto-organi\-satrices de Kohonen via l'Algorithme {EM} },
booktitle = {Secondes Rencontres de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Francophone de Classification},
address = {Tours (France)},
month = {12-13 Septembre},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m94a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Fuzzy Clustering and Mixture Models</B></I>. 
  COMPSTAT 1994,&nbsp;
      Vienne (Autriche), 
      22-26 August, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m94a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m94a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m94a,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Fuzzy Clustering and Mixture Models},
booktitle = {COMPSTAT 1994},
address = {Vienne (Autriche)},
month = {22-26 August},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m94b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models</B></I>. 
  Workshop on Mixture Modeling in Cluster Analysis and Times Series,&nbsp;
      Seattle (USA), 
  Pages 181-203, 
  University of Washington, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m94b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m94b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m94b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models},
booktitle = {Workshop on Mixture Modeling in Cluster Analysis and Times Series},
address = {Seattle (USA)},
month = {july},
publisher = {University of Washington},
year = {1994},
pages = {181-203}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“collin_m94a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  I. Collin; D. Meizel; N. Le Fort &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Local Map Design and Task Fonction Planning for Mobile Robots</B></I>. 
  International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic System'94,&nbsp;
      11-15 Juillet, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('collin_m94a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_collin_m94a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{collin_m94a,

author = {Collin, I. and Meizel, D. and Le Fort, N. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Local Map Design and Task Fonction Planning for Mobile Robots},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic System'94},
address = {Grenoble},
month = {11-15 Juillet},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“collin_m94b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  I. Collin; D. Meizel; N. Le Fort &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Local Map Design and Task Fonction Planning for Mobile Robots</B></I>. 
      Munich (Allemagne), 
      12-16 September, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('collin_m94b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_collin_m94b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{collin_m94b,

author = {Collin, I. and Meizel, D. and Le Fort, N. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Local Map Design and Task Fonction Planning for Mobile Robots},
booktitle = {IROS'94},
address = {Munich (Allemagne)},
month = {12-16 September},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“marchetti_m94” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Marchetti; M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Comparaison de M&eacute;thodes de Classification de Donn&eacute;es Qualitatives Bas&eacute;es sur des Mod&egrave;les Probabilistes</B></I>. 
  XXVI &egrave;mes Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Neuch&acirc;tel (Suisse), 
      24-27 mai, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('marchetti_m94','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_marchetti_m94” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{marchetti_m94,

author = {Marchetti, F. and Nadif, M. and Govaert, G. },
title = {Comparaison de M{\'e}thodes de Classification de Donn{\'e}es Qualitatives Bas{\'e}es sur des Mod{\`e}les Probabilistes},
booktitle = {XXVI {\`e}mes Journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Neuch{\^a}tel (Suisse)},
month = {24-27 mai},
year = {1994}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m93a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1993</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis</B></I>. 
  J. Statist. Comput. Simul.,&nbsp;
      Volume 47, 
  Pages 127-146, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m93a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m93a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{celeux_m93a,

author = {Celeux,G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis},
journal = {J. Statist. Comput. Simul.},
year = {1993},
volume = {47},
pages = {127-146}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m93b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters</B></I>. 
  IFCS 93, 4th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,&nbsp;
      Paris (France), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m93b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m93b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m93b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters},
booktitle = {IFCS 93, 4th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies},
address = {Paris (France)},
year = {1993}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m93c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 2028, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m93c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m93c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{celeux_m93c,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Setembre},
year = {1993},
number = {2028}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m93a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M Nadif.
  <I><B>Comparaison des approches vraisemblance et vraisemblance Classifiante en Classification de donn&eacute;es binaires</B></I>. 
  XXVi&egrave;mes Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Vannes (France), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m93a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m93a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m93a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M},
title = {Comparaison des approches vraisemblance et vraisemblance Classifiante en Classification de donn{\'e}es binaires},
booktitle = {XXVi{\`e}mes Journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Vannes (France)},
year = {1993}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m93b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; M. Nadif.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;les de m&eacute;langes binaires; approches vraisemblance et vraisemblance classifiante</B></I>. 
  Rencontres Franco-Belges des statisticiens,&nbsp;
      Namur (Belgique), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m93b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m93b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m93b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Nadif, M.},
title = {Mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}langes binaires; approches vraisemblance et vraisemblance classifiante},
booktitle = {Rencontres Franco-Belges des statisticiens},
address = {Namur (Belgique)},
year = {1993}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“nadif_m93” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  M. Nadif &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Binary clustering with missing data</B></I>. 
  Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 10, 
  Pages 59-71, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('nadif_m93','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_nadif_m93” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{nadif_m93,

author = {Nadif, M. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Binary clustering with missing data},
journal = {Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis},
year = {1993},
volume = {10},
pages = {59-71}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m92a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1992</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Classification EM Algorithm for Clustering and Two Stochastic Versions</B></I>. 
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,&nbsp;
      Volume 14, 
      Number 3, 
  Pages 315-332, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m92a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m92a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{celeux_m92a,

author = {Celeux,G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Classification {EM} Algorithm for Clustering and Two Stochastic Versions},
journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
year = {1992},
volume = {14},
number = {3},
pages = {315-332}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m92b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters</B></I>. 
  7th International Conference on Multivariate Analysis,&nbsp;
      Barcelone (Espagne), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m92b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m92b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m92b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Model Allowing different size clusters},
booktitle = {7th International Conference on Multivariate Analysis},
address = {Barcelone (Espagne)},
year = {1992}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m91a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1991</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering Criteria for Discrete Data and Latent Class Models</B></I>. 
  Journal of Classification,&nbsp;
      Volume 8, 
      Number 2, 
  Pages 157-176, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m91a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m91a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{celeux_m91a,

author = {Celeux,G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering Criteria for Discrete Data and Latent Class Models},
journal = {Journal of Classification},
year = {1991},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
pages = {157-176}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m91b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Practical Behaviour of a penalized CML criterion for clustering small samples</B></I>. 
  IFCS 91, 3th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,&nbsp;
      Edimbourg (Scotland), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m91b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m91b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m91b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Practical Behaviour of a penalized CML criterion for clustering small samples},
booktitle = {IFCS 91, 3th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies},
address = {Edimbourg (Scotland)},
year = {1991}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m91c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>A classification EM algorithm for clustering and two stochastic versions</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 1364, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m91c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m91c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{celeux_m91c,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {A classification {EM} algorithm for clustering and two stochastic versions},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Setembre},
year = {1991},
number = {1364}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m91d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 1517, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m91d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m91d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{celeux_m91d,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Comparison of the mixture and the classification maximum likelihood in cluster analysis},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Setembre},
year = {1991},
number = {1517}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m90” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1990</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Stochastic Algorithms for Clustering</B></I>. 
  Compstat 2000, Prodeedings in Computational Statistics, 14th Symposium,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m90','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m90” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m90,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Stochastic Algorithms for Clustering},
booktitle = {Compstat 2000, Prodeedings in Computational Statistics, 14th Symposium},
address = {Dubrovnik},
year = {1990}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m90a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification binaire et mod&egrave;les</B></I>. 
  Revue de Statistique Appliqu&eacute;e,&nbsp;
      Volume XXXVIII, 
      Number 1, 
  Pages 67-81, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m90a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m90a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m90a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification binaire et mod{\`e}les},
journal = {Revue de Statistique Appliqu{\'e}e},
year = {1990},
volume = {XXXVIII},
number = {1},
pages = {67-81}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m90b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de classification et distance dans le cas discret</B></I>. 
      Compi&egrave;gne, France, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m90b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m90b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{govaert_m90b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de classification et distance dans le cas discret},
address = {Compi{\`e}gne, France},
year = {1990}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m89a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1989</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux; E. Diday; G. Govaert; Y. Lechevallier &amp; H. Ralambondrainy.
  <I><B> Classification automatique des donn&eacute;es : environnement statistique et informatique </B></I>. 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m89a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m89a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @book{celeux_m89a,

author = {Celeux, G. and Diday, E. and Govaert, G. and Lechevallier, Y. and Ralambondrainy, H.},
title = { Classification automatique des donn{\'e}es : environnement statistique et informatique },
address = {Paris},
publisher = {Dunod},
year = {1989}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m89b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering Criteria for Discrete Data and Latent Class Models</B></I>. 
  IFCS 89, 2th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,&nbsp;
      Charlottsville (USA), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m89b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m89b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{celeux_m89b,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering Criteria for Discrete Data and Latent Class Models},
booktitle = {IFCS 89, 2th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies},
address = {Charlottsville (USA)},
year = {1989}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“celeux_m89c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Celeux &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering criteria for discrete data and latent class models</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 1122, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('celeux_m89c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_celeux_m89c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{celeux_m89c,

author = {Celeux, G. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering criteria for discrete data and latent class models},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Novembre},
year = {1989},
number = {1122}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m89a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>La classification crois&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  La revue de Modulad,&nbsp;
      Volume 4, 
  Pages 9-36, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m89a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m89a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{govaert_m89a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {La classification crois{\'e}e},
month = {D{\'e}cembre},
journal = {La revue de Modulad},
year = {1989},
volume = {4},
pages = {9-36}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m89b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Clustering Model and Metric with Continuous Data</B></I>. 
  Data Analysis, Learning Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge,&nbsp;
      New York, 
  Pages 95-102, 
  Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m89b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m89b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m89b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Clustering Model and Metric with Continuous Data},
booktitle = {Data Analysis, Learning Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge},
address = {New York},
publisher = {Nova Science Publishers, Inc.},
year = {1989},
pages = {95-102}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m89d” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; F. Marchetti.
  <I><B>Classification binaire et mod&egrave;le probabiliste</B></I>. 
  XXIe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m89d','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m89d” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m89d,

author = {Govaert, G. and Marchetti, F.},
title = {Classification binaire et mod{\`e}le probabiliste},
booktitle = {XXIe Journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Rennes},
year = {1989}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m89e” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de classification et distance dans le cas continu</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 988, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m89e','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m89e” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{govaert_m89e,

author = {Govaert,G.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de classification et distance dans le cas continu},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Mars},
year = {1989},
number = {988}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m88a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1988</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; F. Marchetti.
  <I><B>Classification de donn&eacute;es binaires et mesure d'information</B></I>. 
  XXIe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m88a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m88a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m88a,

author = {Govaert, G. and Marchetti, F.},
title = {Classification de donn{\'e}es binaires et mesure d'information},
booktitle = {XXIe Journ{\'e}es de Statistiques},
address = {Grenoble},
year = {1988}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m88b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; F. Marchetti.
  <I><B>Mod&egrave;le de classification et distance dans le cas discret</B></I>. 
      Metz, France, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m88b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m88b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{govaert_m88b,

author = {Govaert, G. and Marchetti, F.},
title = {Mod{\`e}le de classification et distance dans le cas discret},
address = {Metz, France},
year = {1988}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m88c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; F. Marchetti.
  <I><B>Classification binaire et Mod&egrave;le</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 949, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m88c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m88c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{govaert_m88c,

author = {Govaert, G. and Marchetti, F.},
title = {Classification binaire et Mod\`ele},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Decembre},
year = {1988},
number = {949}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m87” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1987</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert &amp; F. Marchetti.
  <I><B>Classification de donn&eacute;es binaires et qualitatives</B></I>. 
  XIXe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m87','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m87” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m87,

author = {Govaert, G. and Marchetti, F.},
title = {Classification de donn\'ees binaires et qualitatives},
booktitle = {XIXe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Lausanne},
year = {1987}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“lechevallier_m86” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1986</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  Y. Lechevallier; H. Ralambondrainy &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Le syst&egrave;me SICLA : principe et architecture</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 500, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('lechevallier_m86','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_lechevallier_m86” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{lechevallier_m86,

author = {Lechevallier, Y. and Ralambondrainy, H. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Le syst{\`e}me {SICLA} : principe et architecture},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Mars},
year = {1986},
number = {500}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“facy_m84” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1984</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Facy; G. Govaert &amp; F. Laurent.
  <I><B>Analyse typologique de donn&eacute;es chronologiques en sant&eacute; publique</B></I>. 
  Revue de Statistique Appliqu&eacute;e,&nbsp;
      Volume XXXII, 
      Number 3, 
  Pages 43-61, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('facy_m84','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_facy_m84” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{facy_m84,

author = {Facy, F. and Govaert, G. and Laurent, F.},
title = {Analyse typologique de donn\'ees chronologiques en sant\'e publique},
journal = {Revue de Statistique Appliqu\'ee},
year = {1984},
volume = {XXXII},
number = {3},
pages = {43-61}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m84a” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification simultan&eacute;e de tableaux binaires</B></I>. 
  Data analysis and informatics 3,&nbsp;
  Pages 223-236, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m84a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m84a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m84a,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification simultan\'ee de tableaux binaires},
booktitle = {Data analysis and informatics 3},
address = {Amsterdam},
publisher = {North-Holland},
year = {1984},
pages = {223-236}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m84b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e de questionnaires</B></I>. 
  XVIe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m84b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m84b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m84b,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification crois\'ee de questionnaires},
booktitle = {XVIe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Montpellier},
year = {1984}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m83” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1983</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification crois&eacute;e</B></I>. 
  <i>School</i>: Universit&eacute; Paris 6,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m83','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m83” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @phdthesis{govaert_m83,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification crois\'ee},
address = {France},
school = {Universit\'e Paris 6},
year = {1983}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“facy_m82a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1982</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Facy; G. Govaert &amp; F. Laurent.
  <I><B>Analyse Typologique de Donn&eacute;es Qualitatives Chronologiques en Sant&eacute; Publique</B></I>. 
  XIIe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Bruselles (Belgique), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('facy_m82a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_facy_m82a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{facy_m82a,

author = {Facy, F. and Govaert, G. and Laurent, F.},
title = {Analyse Typologique de Donn\'ees Qualitatives Chronologiques en Sant\'e Publique},
booktitle = {XIIe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Bruselles (Belgique)},
year = {1982}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“facy_m82b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  F. Facy; G. Govaert &amp; F. Davidson.
  <I><B>Analyse Typologique de Donn&eacute;es Qualitatives en Epid&eacute;miologie du petit enfant</B></I>. 
  XIVe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
      Bruselles (Belgique), 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('facy_m82b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_facy_m82b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{facy_m82b,

author = {Facy, F. and Govaert, G. and Davidson, F.},
title = {Analyse Typologique de Donn\'ees Qualitatives en Epid\'emiologie du petit enfant},
booktitle = {XIVe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Bruselles (Belgique)},
year = {1982}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“facy_m81” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1981</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique et analyse factorielle</B></I>. 
  XIIIe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('facy_m81','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_facy_m81” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{facy_m81,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique et analyse factorielle},
booktitle = {XIIIe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Nancy},
year = {1981}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m80a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1980</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  E Diday; G. Govaert; Y. Lechevallier &amp; J. Sidi.
  <I><B>Clustering in Pattern Recognition</B></I>. 
  NATO Conference Series, (Series) 4: Marine Sciences,&nbsp;
  Pages 424-429, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m80a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m80a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{diday_m80a,

author = {Diday, E and Govaert, G. and Lechevallier, Y. and Sidi, J.},
title = {Clustering in Pattern Recognition},
booktitle = {NATO Conference Series, (Series) 4: Marine Sciences},
address = {Holland},
month = {July},
publisher = {Dordrecht},
year = {1980},
pages = {424-429}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m80b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  E Diday; G. Govaert; Y. Lechevallier &amp; J. Sidi.
  <I><B>Clustering in Pattern Recognition</B></I>. 
  Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition,&nbsp;
  Pages 284-290, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m80b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m80b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{diday_m80b,

author = {Diday, E and Govaert, G. and Lechevallier, Y. and Sidi, J.},
title = {Clustering in Pattern Recognition},
booktitle = {Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition},
address = {Miami},
year = {1980},
pages = {284-290}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m80” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification dans le temps</B></I>. 
  Xe Journ&eacute;es de Statistiques,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m80','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m80” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m80,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification dans le temps},
booktitle = {Xe Journ\'ees de Statistiques},
address = {Toulouse},
year = {1980}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m79” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1979</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  Diday, E. et Collaborateurs.
  <I><B>Optimisation et classification automatique</B></I>. 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m79','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m79” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @book{diday_m79,

author = {{Diday, E. et Collaborateurs}},
title = {Optimisation et classification automatique},
address = {Rocquencourt},
publisher = {INRIA},
year = {1979}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m78” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1978</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  E Diday; G. Govaert &amp; Lemoine Y..
  <I><B>A new kind of representation in clustering</B></I>. 
  Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition,&nbsp;
  Pages 284-290, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m78','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m78” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{diday_m78,

author = {Diday, E and Govaert, G. and Lemoine Y.},
title = {A new kind of representation in clustering},
booktitle = {Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition},
address = {Kyoto},
year = {1978},
pages = {284-290}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m77” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1977</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  E. Diday &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique avec distances adaptatives</B></I>. 
  RAIRO Informatique/Computer Science,&nbsp;
      Volume 11, 
      Number 4, 
  Pages 329-349, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m77','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m77” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{diday_m77,

author = {Diday, E. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique avec distances adaptatives},
journal = {RAIRO Informatique/Computer Science},
year = {1977},
volume = {11},
number = {4},
pages = {329-349}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m77” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Algorithme de classification d'un tableau de contingence</B></I>. 
  First international symposium on data analysis and informatics,&nbsp;
  Pages 487-500, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m77','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m77” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{govaert_m77,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Algorithme de classification d'un tableau de contingence},
booktitle = {First international symposium on data analysis and informatics},
address = {Versailles},
publisher = {INRIA},
year = {1977},
pages = {487-500}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m76” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1976</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  E. Diday &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives</B></I>. 
  Computer Oriented Learning Processes,&nbsp;
      Nato Advanced Study Institutes Series, series E: Applied Science, 
      Volume 9, 
      Number 14, 
  Pages 299-320, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m76','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m76” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @inproceedings{diday_m76,

author = {Diday, E. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives},
booktitle = {Computer Oriented Learning Processes},
address = {Leyden},
publisher = {Noordhoff},
year = {1976},
series = {Nato Advanced Study Institutes Series, series E: Applied Science},
volume = {9},
number = {14},
pages = {299-320}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“govaert_m75” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1975</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification automatique et distances adaptatives</B></I>. 
  <i>School</i>: Universit&eacute; Paris 6,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('govaert_m75','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_govaert_m75” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @phdthesis{govaert_m75,

author = {Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification automatique et distances adaptatives},
address = {France},
school = {Universit{\'e} Paris 6},
year = {1975}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m74a” class=“entry”>

  <h2>1974</h2> <br />

<p class=“infolinks”>

  E. Diday &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Classification avec distances adaptatives</B></I>. 
  C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s&eacute;rie A,&nbsp;
      Volume 278, 
  Pages 993-995, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m74a','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m74a” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{diday_m74a,

author = {Diday, E. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Classification avec distances adaptatives},
journal = {C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s{\'e}rie A},
year = {1974},
volume = {278},
pages = {993-995}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m74b” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  E. Diday &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives</B></I>. 
  Nato Advanced Study Institutes Series on Computer Oriented Learning Processes,&nbsp;
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m74b','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m74b” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @proceedings{diday_m74b,

author = {Diday, E. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives},
booktitle = {Nato Advanced Study Institutes Series on Computer Oriented Learning Processes},
address = {Bonas},
month = {Septembre},
year = {1974}

} </pre></td> </tr> <tr id=“diday_m74c” class=“entry”>


<p class=“infolinks”>

  E. Diday &amp; G. Govaert.
  <I><B>Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives</B></I>. 
      Le Chesnay, France, 
      Number 89, 
  <a href="javascript:toggleInfo('diday_m74c','bibtex')">[BibTeX]</a>

</tr> <tr id=“bib_diday_m74c” class=“bibtex noshow”> <td colspan=“6”> <b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @techreport{diday_m74c,

author = {Diday, E. and Govaert, G.},
title = {Apprentissage et mesures de ressemblance adaptatives},
address = {Le Chesnay, France},
month = {Novembre},
year = {1974},
number = {89}

} </pre></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

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