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Mohamed Sallak

Associate Professor / HDR at “Université de Technologie de Compiègne”
Department of Computer engineering
Laboratoire Heudiasyc UMR CNRS 7253
57 Avenue de Landshut
60200 Compiègne Cedex
Tel. : 33 (0)3 44 23 49 30 ; 33 (0)6 63 20 54 93
Fax : 33 (0)3 44 23 44 77


More than 35 journal articles and 80 conference articles.

List of all publications pdf


List of all projects pdf

Detailed CV in French


Research areas

  • Dependability assessment of systems under uncertainty: RAMS analysis (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety).
  • Dependability of railway systems: Safety studies, railway standards (EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129), Risk analysis.
  • Predictive maintenance


  1. Member of ANR PRCE DRIFT-HF project : « Digitalization – Risks, (U)ncertainties and Fragilities of Technologies in relation to the Human Factor», French National Research Agency (ANR), 2022-2026.
  2. Member of the national project : « Autonomous Freight Train (TFA) », 2018-2023 (Partners : UTC - IRT Railenium, SNCF, HITACHI RAIL STS, Apsys, Altran).
  3. Member of the national project : « Remote Driving on Rail (TC-Rail) », 2017-2021 (Partenaires : UTC - IRT Railenium, SNCF, Thales, Actia telecom, Cnes).
  4. Principal Investigator of ANR PRCE MAPSYD project : “Predictive Maintenance of transportation systems under incomplete and imprecise data”, French National Research Agency (ANR), 2018-2021
  5. Principal Investigator of the regional project (Région Hauts de France) ODISYM : “Optimization of Availability of multi-state systems under uncertainty”, 2016-2019.
  6. Member of the SURF project : “Security and safety in the factory of the future”, PEPS-CNRS, 2016.
  7. Principal Investigator of ANR JCJC (Young researcher program) Récif project : “Belief networks for quantitative evaluation of dependability parameters of railway systems”, French National Research Agency (ANR), 2013-2017.
  8. Member of the PERFECT project: “Performing Enhanced Rail Formal Engineering Constraints Traceability”, French National Research Agency (ANR), ANR-TDM, 2013-2016.
  9. Member of the VEGAS project : “Virtual lab based on co-simulation to include impairments of wireless telecommunication such as GSM-R in the evaluation of ERTMS components”, French National Research Agency (ANR), ANR-TDM, 2013-2016.
  10. Member of the Labex MS2T project : “Control of Technological Systems-of-Systems”, 2011-2021.
  11. Member of the Defi Labex MS2T project : “RUNESK: Risk modeling and UNcertainty analysis using Evidential networks and Semantic Knowledge representations”, 2014-2016.pdf

PhD Students

  1. Felipe Aguirre (2009-2012). Reliability analysis of systems using belief functions theory to represent epistemic uncertainty. Co-supervisor: Walter Schön.
  2. Siqi Qiu (2011-2014). Safe design of Systems of Systems in the presence of uncertainty. Co-supervisor: Walter Schön.
  3. Yunhui Hou (2012-2016): Estimation of the probability and uncertainty of undesirable events in large-scale systems. Co-supervisor: Walter Schön and Nikolaos Limnios.
  4. Subeer Rangra (2014-2017): Integrating of human factors in risk analysis: Application to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and railway systems, co-tutoring with Pr. Walter Schön (UTC) and Pr. Frederic Vanderhaegen (Valenciennes University).
  5. Yu Lanting (2014-2017): A contribution for Interval comparison of system reliability.
  6. Ayyoub Imakhlaf (2015-2021): Binary Decision diagrams for reliability studies under uncertainty.
  7. Rémi lacaze (2015-2018): Dynamic inference model of critical situations for planning in virtual environments under uncertainty.
  8. Joanna Akrouche (2016-2019) : Optimization of Availability of multi-state systems under uncertainty.
  9. Adrien Delmas (2016-2019) : Predictive maintenance policies under uncertainty.
  10. Rim Louhichi (2018-2021) : Elaboration of an economic model for decision aid optimizing the maintenance strategy of transport systems.
  11. Yasmine Benghename (2023-2026) : Analysis of Security and Safety Risks for Autonomous Trains.
  12. Evan Samzun (2024-2027) : Contribution to the evaluation of dependability of GNSS systems used in autonomous train.
  13. Jules Clerc (2024-2027) : Génération automatique de récits interactifs par LLM.

Scientific National and International Responsibilities

  • Responsible of the topic 2 (Data with uncertainty, Bayesian Networks, Evidential Networks) of the International Scientific Coordination Network: “Human-Machine Systems in Transportation and Industry (GDR I-HAMASYTI)” since 2014.
  • Co-convenor of the Working Group GT: Human-Machine systems of the GDR MACS since 2014.
  • Member of the Research Working Group (GTR) “Probabilistic networks for risk and dependability analysis”, French Institute for Risk Management and dependability (IMdR-SdF), since 2012.

Scientific Local Responsibilities

  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Compiègne University of Technology since 2013.
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Heudiasyc Laboratory since 2012.
  • Organiser of the ASER (Automation, Embedded Systems, Robotics) team seminars of the Heudiasyc Laboratory since 2012.

Journal papers

  1. Adolphus Lye, Wasin Vechgama, Mohamed Sallak, Sebastien Destercke, Scott Ferson, and Sicong Xiao. Advances in the Reliability Analysis of Coherent Systems under Limited Data with Confidence Boxes. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 11 (1), March 2025.
  2. Antoine Plissonneau, Luca Jourdan, Damien Trentesaux, Lotfi Abdi, Mohamed Sallak, Abdel- ghani Bekrar, Benjamin Quost, and Walter Sch¨on. Deep reinforcement learning with predic- tive auxiliary task for autonomous train collision avoidance. Journal of Rail Transport Plan- ning & Management, 31:100453, September 2024.
  3. Chiara Bersani, Matteo Cardano, Stefano Lavaggi, Roberto Sacile, Simona Sacone, Mohamed Sallak, and Enrico Zero. Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control of Speed and Position of Multiple Trains on a Single-Track Line. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(9):9110 – 9120, 2023.
  4. Rim Louhichi, Jacques Pelletan, and Mohamed Sallak. Application of Prospect Theory in the Context of Predictive Maintenance Optimization Based on Risk Assessment. Applied Sciences, 12(22):11748, November 2022a.
  5. Rim Louhichi, Mohamed Sallak, and Jacques Pelletan. A Study of the Impact of Predictive Mainte- nance Parameters on the Improvment of System Monitoring. Mathematics , 10(13):2153, June 2022b.
  6. Joanna Akrouche, Mohamed Sallak, Eric Chatelet, Fahed Abdallah, and Hiba Haj Chhade. An Interval Approach for the Availability Optimization of Multi-State Systems in the Presence of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 8(2):021202, June 2022a.
  7. Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Mohamed Sallak, Roberto Sacile, Frank Flemisch, and Paulo Leit˜ao. Introduction to the special section humans and industry 4.0. Cognition, Technology and Work, 24(1): 1–5, March 2022.
  8. Siqi Qiu, Xinguo Ming, Mohamed Sallak, and Jialiang Lu. A Birnbaum importance-based two- stage approach for two-type component assignment problems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 218:108051, February 2022.
  9. Joanna Akrouche, Mohamed Sallak, Eric Chatelet, Fahed Abdallah, and Hiba Hajj Chehade. Method- ology for the Assessment of Imprecise Multi-State System Availability. Mathematics , 10(1):150, January 2022b.
  10. Mohamed Sallak, Siqi Qiu, Xinguo Ming, and Jialiang Lu. Joint optimization of production and condition-based maintenance scheduling for make-to-order manufacturing systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162:107753, December 2021.
  11. Freddy Kamdem Simo, Dominique Ernadote, Dominique Lenne, and Mohamed Sallak. Principles for coping with the modelling activity of engineered systems. Research in Engineering Design, 32:3–30, 2020.
  12. Rim Louhichi, Mohamed Sallak, and Jacques Pelletan. A Maintenance Cost Optimization Approach: Application on a Mechanical Bearing System. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 9(5):658–664, 2020.
  13. Siqi Qiu, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch¨on, and Henry X.G. Ming. A valuation-based system approach for risk assessment of belief rule-based expert systems. Information Sciences, 466:323–336, October 2018a.
  14. Antoine Ferlin, Siqi Qiu, Philippe Bon, Mohamed Sallak, Simon Collart-Dutilleul, Walter Sch¨on, and Zohra Cherfi-Boulanger. An Automated Method for the Study of Human Reliability in Railway Supervision Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(10):3360–3375, January 2018.
  15. Siqi Qiu, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch¨on, and Henry X.G. Ming. Extended LK heuristics for the optimization of linear consecutive-k-out-of-n: F systems considering parametric uncertainty and model uncertainty. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 175:51–61, January 2018b.
  16. Siqi Qiu, Nedjemi Rachedi, Mohamed Sallak, and Fr´ed´eric Vanderhaegen. A quantitative model for the risk evaluation of driver-ADAS systems under uncertainty. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 167:184–191, November 2017a.
  17. Siqi Qiu, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch¨on, and Zohra Cherfi-Boulanger. Application of Valuation- Based Systems for the availability assessment of systems under uncertainty. Control Engineering Practice, 66:39–50, September 2017b.
  18. Subeer Rangra, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch¨on, and Fr´ed´eric Vanderhaegen. A Graphical Model Based on Performance Shaping Factors for Assessing Human Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66(4):1120–1143, 2017.
  19. N. Ben Abdallah, S. Destercke, and Mohamed Sallak. Easy and optimal queries to reduce set uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(2):592–604, January 2017.
  20. Jaouad Boudnaya, Abdelhak Mkhida, and Mohamed Sallak. A reliability evaluation of the Moroccan level crossing system using fault tree modelling and importance measures. Journal Europ´een des Syst`emes Automatis´es (JESA), 49(4-5):487–502, October 2016.
  21. Chiara Bersani, Federico Papa, Roberto Sacile, Mohamed Sallak, and Stefano Terribile. Towards dynamic exposure-based schedule for hazardous material trains. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 6(2):116–127, September 2016.
  22. Lanting Yu, S´ebastien Destercke, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Schon. Comparing System Reliabilities with Ill-Known Probabilities . Communications in Computer and Information Science, 611:619–629, June 2016.
  23. Yunhui Hou, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Schon. Estimation of Imprecise Reliability of Systems Using Random Sets and Monte Carlo Resampling Procedures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(11):2844–2855, February 2016.
  24. Chiara Bersani, Roberto Sacile, and Mohamed Sallak. A multi-criteria methodology to evaluate the optimal location of a multifunctional railway portal on the railway network. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 5(78-91), 2015.
  25. Chiara Bersani, Siqi Qiu, Roberto Sacile, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Sch¨on. Rapid, robust, dis- tributed evaluation and control of train scheduling on a single line track. Control Engineering Practice, 35:12–21, 2015b.
  26. Felipe Aguirre, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Schon. An efficient method for reliability analysis of systems under epistemic uncertainty using belief functions theory. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(3):893 – 909, 2015.
  27. Siqi Qiu, Roberto Sacile, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Sch¨on. On the application of Valuation- Based Systems in the assessment of the probability bounds of Hazardous Material transportation accidents occurrence. Safety Science, 72:83–96, 2015.
  28. Felipe Aguirre, S´ebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Mohamed Sallak, and Christelle Jacob. Inclusion- exclusion principle for belief functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(8):1708– 1727, November 2014.
  29. Siqi Qiu, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch¨on, and Zohra Cherfi-Boulanger. Availability assessment of railway signalling systems with uncertainty analysis using Statecharts. Simulation Modelling Prac- tice and Theory, 47:1–18, 2014.
  30. Felipe Aguirre, Mohamed Sallak, Walter Schon, and Fabien Belmonte. Application of Evidential Networks in quantitative analysis of railway accidents. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 227(4):368–384, 2013.
  31. Mohamed Sallak, Walter Schon, and Felipe Aguirre. Reliability assessment for multi-state systems under uncertainties based on the Dempster-Shafer theory. IIE Transactions, 45(9):995–1007, 2013.
  32. S.bastien Destercke and Mohamed Sallak. An extension of Universal Generating Function in Multi-State Systems considering epistemic uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 62(2):504–514,2013.
  33. Felipe Aguirre, Mohamed Sallak, and Walter Schon. Construction of belief functions from statistical data about reliability under epistemic uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 62(3):555–568, 2013.
  34. Mohamed Sallak, Walter Schon, and Felipe Aguirre. Extended component importance measures considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 62(1):49–65,2013.
  35. Mohamed Sallak, Walter Sch.n, and Felipe Aguirre. The Transferable Belief Model for reliability analysis of systems with data uncertainties and failure dependencies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 224(4 / 2010):266–278, 2010.
  36. Mohamed Sallak, Christophe Simon, and Jean-Fran.ois Aubry. A fuzzy probabilistic approach for determining Safety Integrity Level. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(1):239–248, February, 2008.

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