• “KIVA”, Montupet, Heudiasyc, Reviatech- Trophée Training and education - Laval Virtual 2018
Improving performance in gesture training through visual guidance based on learners’ errors.
• “Revell”, T. Delalande, A. Delval, F. Jeanne, Virtual Fantasy – Demos - Laval Virtual 2016
Gestural interaction without haptic feedback to discover a 3D scene.
• “Wonderland Builder” , C.Barot &al, 2nd prize, 3DUI IEEE Contest, Orlando, USA 2013 3D interaction in a world builder (based on “Alice in Wonderland”).
• « OSE » , L. Fricoteaux, J. Olive, I. Thouvenin., Automotive, Aeronautics and Transport award, Laval Virtual 2012 Adaptive training for fluvial navigation in a virtual environment based on belief functions.
• « Daidalos », A. Cavenel et O. Larroque, Creativity award, Laval Virtual 2012
• « Light’n Gadget », P. George. Special jury award Laval Virtual 2011
and IVRC award (International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest) Tokyo, Japon octo. 2011
• « Immersive Music Painter », C. Barot et K . Carpentier, 3D game and entertainment award Laval Virtual 2010
Invited presentations
1) Thouvenin I. « Informed virtual environments what is the future ? », City University of Hong Kong (City U.), Hong Kong, january 25th 2017.
2) Thouvenin I. « Artificial intelligence and Informed virtual environments », University of Science and Technology Hanoi (USTH), Hanoi, january 20th 2017.
3) Thouvenin I. « Trends in VR », Semaine de la recherche et de l’innovation, Region Hauts de France, Amiens, 22 Novembre 2016.
4) Thouvenin I. et Olive J., « Realité virtuelle », Semaine de la recherche et de l’innovation , Region Picardie, Industrilab, 24 Novembre 2015.
5) Thouvenin I., “Environnements virtuels informes”, Serre numérique de Valentiennes, 5 novembre 2015.
6) Thouvenin I.” Virtual and augmented design, manufacturing, and maintenance”, Espace Commines, Paris, November 2015.
7) Thouvenin I., “ Interaction informée en environnement virtuel”, Apprendre le concret – Chaire ITEN, Paris- France, Novembre 2012.
8) Thouvenin I, “A Web3D Interface for Manufacturing through an Informed Virtual Environment”, ACM Web3D conference, June 20-22, Paris-France, 2012.
9) Thouvenin I., “Informed Virtual Environments: interaction and knowledge”, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbay (IIT Mumbay), Mumbay - Inde, Decembre 2009.
10) Thouvenin I., “Believe me”, Workshop National Institute of Advanced Studies; Bangalore - Inde, Aout 2006.
11) Thouvenin I, “An introduction to virtual reality”, Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba – Japon, Janvier 2005.