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On going Projects and Research Grants

European projects

ERASMO– Enhanced Receiver for autonomous driving/navigation

2021-2024, investigator. Project Web site

French projects

Tirrex, ESR/Equipex+ PIA3 program

Head of the Autonomous Land Robotics axis since 2021

Recent Projects and Research Grants

International projects

PRETIV, International ANR Blanc program

In collaboration with PKU (Univ. Of Pekin, China)
2012-2015, investigator. More info

CAI YUANPEI, Partenariats Hubert Curien N° 26193PE

2011-2013, investigator.

PrediMap, ICT-ASIA project

2011-2013, investigator.

MPR, Liama project

2011-2015, investigator.

CityHome, ICT-ASIA project

2008-2010, investigator.

European projects

ESCAPE – European Safety Critical Applications Positioning Engine

2016-2019, investigator. Project Web site Video French TV

SaPPART, European COST action TU1302

2013-2017, investigator. Cost site

VERVE Intelligent Electric Vehicles, Feder project

In collaboration with Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany)
Investigator, 2012-2015

CVIS, FP6 European Integrated Project

6th Framework Program
Principal investigator, POMA/WP7 responsible
2006-2010 More info

ROADSENSE, FP5 European Research Program

Investigator, 2001-2004

French projects

Robotex, Equipex PIA program N° ANR-10-EQPX-44-01

The goal of the ROBOTEX project was to build a coherent infrastructure of technical equipments as well as scientific and technological expertise.
Head of the mobile robotic network 2011-2020


Interactions entre véhicule autonome et infrastructures pour des services de mobilité en zone peu dense
Principal investigator Sept. 2017 - Dec. 2020. Web site Video French TV

CityVip, ANR/PREDIT program

Principal investigator, 2008-2011

LOVe, ANR/PREDIT program

Investigator, 2006-2009

MobiVip, 3rd French PREDIT program

Principal investigator, 2004-2007

ARCOS, 2nd French PREDIT program

Principal investigator (tache 3), 2001-2004

PACPUS, Research Platform

Research Platform on Intelligent vehicles sustained by CNRS/UTC
Scientific responsible, 2004-2010.

Bodega, CNRS ROBEA project

Investigator, 2003-2005.

SAACAM, Picardie DIVA program

Investigator, 2000-2004

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