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Master’s degree

Heudi­asyc is heav­i­ly involved in UTC’s mas­ter’s cur­ricu­lum, in both an orga­ni­za­tion­al and a teach­ing capacity.

Master’s degree

Heudi­asyc is heav­i­ly involved in UTC’s mas­ter’s cur­ricu­lum, in both an orga­ni­za­tion­al and a teach­ing capac­i­ty. Dri­tan Nace is in charge of the Com­plex Sys­tems engi­neer­ing cat­e­go­ry, linked to Labex MS2T, and two mas­ter’s cours­es in this cat­e­go­ry are specif­i­cal­ly attached to Heudi­asyc, name­ly the Auto­mat­ic Con­trol, Robot­ics and Intel­li­gent Sys­tems (ARS) course and the Learn­ing and Opti­miza­tion of Com­plex Sys­tems (AOS) course.

In addi­tion, the Lab’s research-teach­ing fel­lows and CNRS research fel­lows have an involve­ment in all course units, and they host the mas­ter’s stu­dents in their teams for their end-of-course internship.

Complex systems engineering (ISC)

There are five mas­ter’s degree cours­es in this category:

  • Learn­ing and Opti­miza­tion of Com­plex Sys­tems (AOS)
  • Auto­mat­ic Con­trol, Robot­ics and Intel­li­gent Sys­tems (ARS)
  • Bio­me­chan­ics and Bio­engi­neer­ing (BMI)
  • Mecha­tron­ic sys­tems (SMT)
  • Com­plex Mechan­i­cal Sys­tems and Struc­tures (SMC)


The two-year EMSSE mas­ter’s pro­gram (120 ECTS cred­its) focus­es on sus­tain­able sys­tems engi­neer­ing. It aims to equip stu­dents with sol­id knowl­edge and skills to design effi­cient and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly sys­tems. The pro­gram empha­sizes con­sid­er­a­tion of the envi­ron­men­tal, eco­nom­ic and social impacts of sys­tems through­out their life cycle, from design and devel­op­ment to oper­a­tion and maintenance.

The main objec­tive of the EMSSE mas­ter’s degree is to design inno­v­a­tive career paths and pro­grams for future pro­fes­sion­als, in the field of sys­tems engineering.

The pres­ti­gious part­ner insti­tu­tions deliv­er­ing their diplo­mas under the EMSSE pro­gram are:

  • Uni­ver­sité de tech­nolo­gie de Com­piègne (UTC)
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Genoa (UniGe)
  • Uni­ver­si­tat Politèc­ni­ca de Catalun­ya BarcelonaT­e­ch (UPC)
  • Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­si­ty of Tirana (UPT)

The pro­gram also includes 3 asso­ciate part­ners and 7 indus­tri­al part­ners in Europe.

Mobility scheme

The pro­gram offers a spe­cif­ic stu­dent mobil­i­ty plan and three dis­tinct pathways:

  • Sys­tems of Sys­tems Engi­neer­ing (SoSE – Gênes) ;
  • Advanced machine learn­ing and Opti­mi­sa­tion of Sys­tems (AOS – Compiègne) ;
  • Advanced Man­u­fac­tur­ing Sys­tems (AMS – Barcelone).


The best stu­dents from dif­fer­ent parts of the world will be eli­gi­ble for schol­ar­ships award­ed for a peri­od of 2 years by the Euro­pean Commission.



There are no intern­ships cur­rent­ly on offer.


Respon­s­able mas­ters | Dri­tan Nace
Tél : 03 44 23 43 02
Mail :

Directeur | Philippe Bon­ni­fait
Tél : 03 44 23 44 81
Mail :