Donnons un sens à l'innovation

Projects and contracts

Over the peri­od 2011–2015, the over­all amount of con­tracts and projects amounts to approx­i­mate­ly €11.3M: Europe/International, ANR/FUI (sin­gle inter­min­is­te­r­i­al fund), Hauts de France Region, Indus­try, PIA (Labex MS2T, Equipex Robo­t­ex), CPER (Region/FEDER).

We men­tion the label­ing of 16 projects by com­pet­i­tive­ness clus­ters, among which 11 are labeled or co-labelled by the i‑Trans cluster.


Respon­s­able du pôle financier | Gabriela de Saint-Denis
Tél : 03 44 23 46 81
Mail :

Directeur du lab­o­ra­toire | Philippe Bon­ni­fait
Tél : 03 44 23 46 45
Mail :