SIVALab joint laboratory
Laboratoire commun Renault – UTC – CNRS « Systèmes intègres pour le véhicule autonome ».

A joint laboratory?
SIVALAB is a partnership between a research laboratory and a car manufacturer, with the intention of implementing a programme of research and innovation extending over at least four years.
SIVALAB (Trustworthy perception and localization systems for autonomous vehicles)
In March 2017 Renault and Heudiasyc, a joint UTC/CNRS research laboratory, created SIVALAB, a laboratory specializing in localization and perception systems for autonomous vehicles.
This scientific and technological partnership, set up for an initial four years and renewable, is the fruit of a collaboration that has lasted more than ten years already. SIVALAB is intended to harness the potential of Heudiasyc’s autonomous vehicle platforms developed around the Renault Zoë.
Research Topics
The most important research area to be addressed by this partnership concerns the reliability and accuracy of perception and localization systems used for navigating communicating autonomous vehicles.
Input data are supplied not only from on-board sensors, but also from pre-existing maps and from outside, via dynamic links with other road users and with road infrastructure.
Combining these different types of data intelligently makes the vehicle better able to identify its location in relation to its surroundings than it would be able to do using only on-board sensors.
No vacancies available
Heudiasyc – UTC | Véronique Cherfaoui
Mail :
Ampere | Javier Ibanez Guzman